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What vegetables can dogs eat? The healthy treat

What vegetables can dogs eat? The healthy treat

Dogs are carnivores by nature, but a balanced diet should also include vegetables and fruits. Vegetables can provide dogs with important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, there are also vegetables that can be poisonous to dogs. In this blog post we address the question: Which vegetables can dogs eat and which varieties you should avoid. We will also discuss how to incorporate vegetables into a dog's diet and the benefits that feeding vegetables can have on a dog's health.

Why should vegetables be on your dog's menu?

It's no secret that a balanced diet is extremely important to your dog's health and well-being. A balanced diet should contain not only proteins and carbohydrates, but also a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Vegetables can be a great source of all of these important nutrients. It can also help reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and other health problems in dogs.

It is best to give the vegetables together with a fat source such as oil, yogurt, cottage cheese, egg, so that the fat-soluble vitamins (K, E, D, A) can also be absorbed.

7 types of vegetables that dogs can eat without hesitation

Basket, basket with vegetables

1. Carrots

Carrots are an ideal snack for dogs because they can be eaten raw, are low in calories, and are unlikely to cause gas (which can be a problem for dog owners, especially with some vegetables). Carrots provide vitamins B, C, D, E and K and also lots of fiber.

2. Broccoli

Like cauliflower, broccoli can also cause gas. This can stink for you and be incredibly uncomfortable for your dog. Nevertheless, broccoli provides vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as lots of fiber and almost no fat. Broccoli should be fed in small quantities and always cooked. Make sure you chop the broccoli well - stems that are too large can get stuck in your dog's throat.

3. Zucchini

Zucchini strengthens your dog's bones, heart and kidneys with calcium, vitamin A and potassium. As with peppers, you'll want to steam the skin to soften it (zucchinis are known for retaining their nutritional density even after cooking, unlike other vegetables).

4. Kale

Kale is known to boost bone health, vision, and the immune system. Like that? Through vitamins A and K, the latter of which is an important source of calcium. Kale also contains iron, which is responsible for healthy red blood cells and oxygen levels in the blood. Kale is also easier to digest if you blanch it lightly beforehand.

5. Pumpkin

Cooked and pureed or chopped pumpkin is better for your dog than raw pumpkin because it is easier to digest. For canned pumpkin, make sure you buy the unseasoned canned pumpkin, not the pumpkin pie filling. Pumpkin is known to help dogs with constipation and diarrhea, and its beta-carotene may benefit vision. Pumpkin seeds can be fed to dogs as long as they are not preserved in oil, butter or salt.

6. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are ideal for dogs who need to maintain a healthier weight because they provide lots of energy and fluids and are low in calories. Eating cucumbers provides the dog with vitamins B1, C and K.

7. Celery

It seems like celery is working overtime to benefit our dogs. It contains vitamins A, B and C and not only helps to freshen your dog's breath. Vitamin A helps improve your dog's vision. (Pro tip: Crunchy vegetables help remove tartar from your dog's teeth!)

12 Vegetables Dogs Should Eat in Moderation

1. Spinach

Spinach is rich in iron and magnesium and can be a great addition to a dog's diet. Vitamins A, C and E also make this leafy green vegetable a winner (plus it can fight cancer, cardiovascular disease and inflammation).

2. red pepper

This vegetable contains three times as much vitamin C as oranges and makes a great low-calorie snack for dogs. The Canine Journal recommends using only ripe (red) peppers and be sure to steam them to soften the outer skin. Like other nightshade plants, raw peppers contain solanine and should not be fed. Pay attention and check three times that you are not feeding your four-legged friend peppers that are too hot!

3. Sweet potatoes/yams

Another star when it comes to improving digestion! Sweet potatoes are high in fiber as well as vitamins B6 (for brain health) and C. Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which improves vision and skin.

4. Beetroot

Many root vegetables are good for dogs' healthy coats and digestion. Beetroot provides vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, manganese and potassium in one meal. Don't be surprised if your dog's stool turns reddish/purple for a short time afterwards, that's just the pigment betanin.

5. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is safe in small quantities. Like other cruciferous vegetables on our list, it can cause unpleasant gas. Cauliflower, best served lightly steamed, provides vitamins B, C and K as well as omega-3 fatty acids - all good for the immune system.

6. Cabbage

Dogs can definitely eat cabbage, although it can cause a gassy reaction. It contains vitamins B1, B6, C and K as well as a variety of phytonutrients. These are antioxidants that improve the overall health of dogs - and people - who consume them. Red cabbage is also a safe choice for dog owners who want to increase their pet's fiber, manganese, copper and potassium levels.

7. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts strengthen the immune system (vitamin C) and bone health (vitamin K). It also contains antioxidants that counteract inflammation. Introduce Brussels sprouts into your dog's diet slowly to see how he responds, as they can also cause gas.

8. Butternut squash

It is low in calories, high in nutrients (an ideal combination) and is generally gentle on the stomach.

9. Green beans

Green beans can also be served steamed or canned, as long as they are plain and unsalted. Eat a green bean snack with your dog because you can both benefit from vitamins A, C and K, folic acid and fiber.

10. Parsnips

This vegetable is rich in folic acid (good for the nervous system), potassium and vitamins B6 and C. If your dog has kidney problems, you should add parsnips to the menu after consulting your veterinarian.

11. Peas

A few peas here and there add a small dose of fiber and protein to your dog's diet. They are important if your dog cannot or does not want to eat meat products. Since fresh peas can cause flatulence, you can ideally feed them cooked.

12. Potatoes

Dogs can eat potatoes as long as they are fully cooked and served without toppings. (French fries don't count here.) Raw potatoes contain large amounts of solanine, which can be toxic. Therefore, it is recommended to steam and mash or bake the potatoes before serving them to your dog.

8 Vegetables Dogs Should Avoid

Basket, basket with vegetables

1. Asparagus

While asparagus is not toxic to dogs, it does not provide enough nutritional value to be worth feeding to them.

2. Corn on the cob

Many dry dog ​​food brands use corn in their recipes, but corn itself doesn't have much nutritional value for dogs. It is not poisonous, but not remarkable either. Corn on the cob, on the other hand, is dangerous. It poses a major choking hazard to dogs and should under no circumstances be fed to them.

3. Garlic

Garlic belongs to the allium family and contains thiosulfate, an inorganic compound that has a negative effect on the dog's system. Consuming garlic can lead to anemia, causing lethargy, weakness and jaundice.

4. Leeks

Another member of the Allium family. These plants can immediately cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and upset stomach. If a large amount is consumed, the dog's red blood cells can be affected.

5. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are typically not tasty for dogs and do not surpass the nutritional value of other vegetables. Wild mushrooms should be avoided at all costs as many of them are poisonous and can cause internal damage or even death.

6. Onions

Onions (and chives!) belong to the allium family and are poisonous to dogs. They should never be fed to dogs. If you are unsure whether your dog has consumed leeks, onions, chives, or garlic, look for dark yellow urine, a dramatic drop in energy, unusual bowel movements, and vomiting. Call your vet immediately!

7. Rhubarb

Rhubarb contains oxalates, an organic compound that can cause kidney stones or nervous system problems in dogs. When eaten in large quantities, rhubarb can also reduce the amount of calcium in your dog's bones, which is not good.

8. Tomatoes

A ripe tomato? There's no need to worry - just watch your dog for signs of discomfort. An unripe tomato or the leaves and stem of the tomato plant? Poisonous. These parts of the tomato contain solanine, which can cause lethargy, confusion and vomiting.

How to Prepare Vegetables for Dogs

Remember that your dog may refuse a vegetable even if it has been cooked, pureed, chopped, or mixed into his regular food. That's fine. Vegetables are intended as a supplement to the dog's diet. If your dog turns up his nose at one vegetable, try another! If it appears that your dog has lost interest in a certain food or does not want to eat a prescribed food, contact your veterinarian. There could also be other problems.

Some breeds are more prone to upset stomachs and gastrointestinal problems than others. If you have a Great Dane, Akita, or Doberman, you may have more trouble digesting new food. Additionally, larger breeds are more prone to bloat, which can be made worse by feeding cruciferous vegetables.

Follow these preparation guidelines when feeding your dog vegetables:

Introduce slowly

When offering your dog a new food, you should introduce it slowly. A small amount... might be a good start, keeping an eye out for any adverse reactions such as bloating or diarrhea. Over time, you can increase the amount and variety until you find the optimal amount for your dog's taste and digestion.

Cut, chop or mince

Make sure to give your dog bite-sized, easy-to-chew vegetables. Otherwise, you could inadvertently present your dog with a choking hazard.

Simply serve

Don't add spices, oils, sauces, or anything else to the vegetables that you think will make your dog "taste better." People may need spices to eat a broccoli, but dogs don't. Sautéing vegetables in butter or adding salt can also ruin the nutritional value of the vegetables and even harm your four-legged friend.


Steaming vegetables without completely submerging them in water softens them and makes them easier for your dog to chew, swallow, and digest. This also preserves most of the nutrients as long as you don't overcook it. Steaming also makes it easier to mix the vegetables into your usual food.


Blanching not only cleans the vegetables but also improves the taste and makes the food easier for dogs to chew. Dip the vegetables in boiling water, then place them in ice water to keep them from overcooking. Voila!


A pureed vegetable is particularly gentle on a dog's digestive tract. Especially if they are softened by steaming before pureeing, hard vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots and cauliflower become tastier for your four-legged friend. This is also a good way to combine several vegetables in one meal.


What vegetables can dogs eat? In summary, it is very important for dogs to have a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients they need for a healthy life. Vegetables can be a good addition to a dog's diet because they contain many important nutrients and can help reduce the risk of disease. However, it is important to only feed vegetables that are safe for dogs and in appropriate portions. Before making any dietary changes or introducing new vegetables, you should always consult your veterinarian. With proper care and nutrition, dogs can live happy and healthy lives.