Dürfen Hunde Oliven essen? Ein guter Snack für Hunde? - paawy

Can dogs eat olives? A good snack for dogs?

Can dogs eat olives? A good snack for dogs?
Olives, food

The little olive is something really nice. Whether used in Mediterranean dishes or accompanied by a glass of wine - the olive tastes good and offers us many health benefits. Your dog looks over at you hungrily when you enjoy eating a few olives and you ask yourself: Can dogs eat olives? In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at this question and provide you with all the important information you need to decide whether olives should be part of your dog's diet. We'll look at the nutrients, potential risks and benefits of olives for dogs, and give you tips on how to safely feed olives to your dog. As you read on, you'll find out whether dogs can safely eat olives and why you might not want to give them to your pup.

Can dogs eat olives, are they safe for dogs?

Let's start with something positive: Olives are not poisonous to dogs, but it is not recommended to feed them as they are too salty and can cause digestive problems. Olive oil, on the other hand, is safe in moderation and may even have health benefits for dogs. However, it is important not to give it in large quantities and to be careful of possible allergic reactions.

Health Benefits of Olives for Dogs

Olives can actually be "good" for dogs, but your dog can't eat enough of the little treat to get all the benefits. They really do contain many valuable vitamins and minerals, but only in small quantities.

Olives are known for their seemingly magical health properties. They are therefore an important part of the Mediterranean diet. They have been proven to extend people's lives; Theoretically, they could also help your dog to be by your side for as long as possible.

Olives are an excellent source of vitamin E, which keeps your dog's eyes and skin healthy while strengthening his immune system. This vitamin is also an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage. In humans, these properties have been shown to help prevent some types of cancer and protect the brain from cognitive decline and diseases such as dementia. These benefits are believed to extend to dogs, which is particularly good news for our canine seniors.

Olives also have anti-inflammatory properties, so they can help your furry friend if he's suffering from joint pain or itchy skin. The fatty acids that olives and their oil are famous for also help keep joints healthy and strengthen the skin's protective barrier.

Before you think it doesn't make sense that olives are too small to have any effect on my dog, let me tell you that olives are a "healthy" treat even if he doesn't eat enough of them to have one to receive a small boost of nutrients. There is absolutely nothing wrong with adding a few additional vitamins or minerals to the food, no matter how small the addition.

Difference between black and green olives

Olives, Green Olives, Black Olives

When feeding olives to your dog, keep in mind that black olives tend to be saltier than green ones and can therefore cause digestive problems. It is also possible for dogs to be allergic to certain types of olives. Therefore, it's best to start with small amounts and watch your dog carefully to make sure he doesn't have any negative reactions. You can also use a small amount of olive oil to minimize possible digestive problems.

Can dogs eat stuffed olives?

You should be particularly careful here. Olives are often stuffed or seasoned with various ingredients to balance the salty taste of the olive. Some contain a clove of garlic, a piece of pepper or perhaps cheese.

The most common no-go ingredients are onions and garlic, both of which are toxic to dogs. Jalapeno or chili peppers, which are not poisonous but irritate dogs, are also often eaten with olives. Anchovies are also often used in stuffed olives and are actually safe for dogs, but caution is advised due to the high salt content. In any case, you should avoid feeding your dog chorizo; you should especially keep such spicy sausage away from puppies.

To be on the safe side, we advise you not to give your dog a stuffed olive. If you're sure what's in the olive isn't toxic to your dog, it might be okay. But in general, it's best to leave olives your dog eats untreated.

Is olive oil good for dogs?

Olives, olive oil

Olive oil may have health benefits for dogs when given in moderation. It contains healthy fats that are good for the dog's skin and coat, as well as antioxidants that can help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Olive oil may also help lower dog cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Some owners occasionally mix a spoonful of olive oil with their dog's dinner to help his dog's coat become shinier. However, if your dog eats a healthy, balanced diet, he will not need any additional supplements to keep his coat healthy.

However, as with us humans, too much oil is not good for dogs. It is quite heavy on the stomach, so many dogs with sensitive tummies or gastrointestinal problems may become sick after consuming olive oil. Although olive oil is considered a "healthy" fat, it still contains a lot of it. What is certain is that dogs suffering from pancreatitis should not be given olive oil as it can lead to an outbreak or worsening of the disease.

If you are concerned that your dog's coat is not as thick, shiny, and healthy as it should be, you should consult a veterinarian. Thinning hair can be a symptom of an underlying problem. Otherwise, you can ensure that your dog receives all the necessary nutrients with a balanced diet so that his coat becomes fuller and fluffier even without additional ingredients.

Can olives make dogs sick?

Olives don't usually make dogs sick unless they eat too much of them. As with most human foods, excessive consumption of olives can make your dog sick, including stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

However, it is more likely that your four-legged friend's stomach will be upset by the ingredients or flavorings in the olives and that he will become ill.

Olives are often soaked in oil, which can irritate a dog's sensitive stomach, plus they tend to be high in salt, and it's very important to pay attention to how much salt your dog consumes. Excessive salt levels can cause dehydration and can even be toxic.

As we mentioned before, you need to be especially careful with seasoned or stuffed olives, as many of the ingredients can make dogs sick or even be toxic to them.

Make sure the olives are pitted before feeding, as the pit can pose a choking hazard to your dog or cause blockages in his intestines. This is an even bigger problem for small dog breeds. The hard stone can break or crack your teeth if you chew on it too hard.

To be on the safe side, you should only feed an untreated, pitted olive and always offer it in moderation. Limit yourself to a few olives as an occasional treat.

How to Safely Feed Olives to Dogs

If you decide to feed olives to your dog, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you don't face any problems:

Start with small amounts

Start with small amounts and see how your dog reacts. If your dog is sensitive to olives, you should stop feeding them immediately.

Avoid olives with pits

Olive pits can be dangerous for dogs because they can swallow them. Always remove the pits before feeding olives to your dog.

Avoid salty olives

Black olives tend to be saltier than green olives and can cause digestive problems for your dog. Therefore, avoid salty olives or rinse them thoroughly with water to remove the salt.

Avoid pickled olives

Olives in brine or other preservatives should be avoided as they can be harmful to dogs.

Use olive oil as an alternative

If you want your dog to reap the benefits of olives, it's best to use olive oil as an alternative. Olive oil can be easily added to dog food and, when given in moderation, does not cause digestive problems.


Can dogs eat olives? Yes, olives can be fed to dogs in moderation and even offer health benefits, especially due to the oil they contain. Please note, however, that not all olives are suitable for dogs and that dogs with digestive problems or a tendency to pancreatitis should be given them cautiously or not at all. Olives must always be washed well and pitted before feeding them to your dog. If in doubt, you should always consult your veterinarian before feeding your dog new foods.