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Can dogs eat nuts? All about nuts and dogs

Can dogs eat nuts? All about nuts and dogs

If you're a dog owner, you've probably often asked yourself: Can dogs eat nuts? Although nuts are a healthy source of fats and nutrients for us humans, this may be different for dogs. Some nuts may be harmless to dogs, while others may be harmful to their digestive systems. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at whether dogs can eat nuts and what types of nuts are safe for them. We will also discuss the possible risks and dangers so that you can make informed decisions as a responsible dog owner.

Health Benefits of Nuts for Dogs

Nuts may have some health benefits for dogs, especially when given in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Here are some possible benefits:

proteins and fats

Nuts are a good source of proteins and healthy fats, which are important for the growth and repair of tissues and cells, as well as energy.

Vitamins and minerals

Some nuts, such as almonds and pistachios, are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium and potassium, which are important for the health of skin, bones, muscles and organs.


Some nuts, like walnuts and hazelnuts, are rich in antioxidants like polyphenols, which can help protect the body from free radical damage.

However, it is important to note that nuts are also very high in calories and some types of nuts such as macadamia nuts and nutmegs can be toxic to dogs. So it's important to choose the right types of nuts and feed them in moderation to avoid overfeeding and potential health problems. It is also important to always chop up nuts so that the dog can digest them more easily.

The easiest way to find out whether your dog is allergic to a type of nut is to give him a very small, ground up amount to eat and check his reaction. That's why very small amounts are important at the beginning so that you don't provoke an allergic reaction.

Types of Nuts That Dogs Are Safe to Eat

Nut varieties

Since most of us humans love nuts and dogs constantly beg for them, it's worth answering the question: Can dogs eat nuts? to find. Although nuts have many health benefits in the human diet, the long-term effects of consuming nuts on dog health have not yet been researched. The prevailing theory is that nuts are too high in calories and fat for dogs and should therefore not be a regular part of the diet. However, most animal experts agree that there is no harm in giving your dog a few nuts occasionally. You just need to know which nuts your dog can eat.


Although peanuts are safe for dogs, they should not be salted, coated, candied or caramelized. Dogs can't eat peanuts in the shell, but a few raw peanuts, whether roasted or raw, are a healthy treat. Peanuts are a good source of protein, an important nutrient for dogs. But that is not all. Peanuts also contain arginine, an amino acid important for the production of nitric oxide, which promotes blood circulation. That's why peanuts can help reduce your dog's risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Although there are many benefits to feeding your dog peanuts, it's important to remember that they contain a lot of fat. Make sure to keep peanut treats to a minimum. Additionally, peanuts can cause an allergic reaction in some dogs.

Can dogs eat peanut butter?

Well, peanut butter isn't a nut (and neither are peanuts, actually). Nevertheless, it is the favorite nut that everyone loves to eat and deserves to be mentioned. Peanut butter is okay for dogs, but only if it is not loaded with artificial preservatives, sodium and sugar. Before you treat your four-legged friend to a spoonful of the creamy (or chunky!) deliciousness, check the label for ingredients that could be harmful to dogs (e.g. xylitol). And when I say spoonful, I mean it - just a little treat for in between meals and not a peanut butter feast!

If you use peanut butter to help your dog take a pill, make sure the calories do not represent more than 10 percent of the dog's total daily calorie intake.

Chestnuts and chestnuts

Roasted chestnuts are a welcome guest at Thanksgiving and cannot harm your four-legged friend. The fiber content of chestnuts can help your dog avoid constipation. Chestnuts are a good source of vitamins C, B1, B2, potassium, iron and copper.

But like all other nuts, these round, delicious bites contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates and can put a strain on your four-legged friend's stomach if they eat too much of them. Even in the form of puree, chestnuts should only be fed to dogs in small quantities. Also, if you buy them at the supermarket, make sure they are not salted or seasoned.


Dogs can eat almonds because they are not toxic to them, but dogs tend to have trouble digesting almonds. Even unsalted almonds can irritate your dog's stomach or cause gastrointestinal distress if your four-legged friend is sensitive. Of course, it's important to know that you should never give your dog salted, spiced, sugared, or chocolate-covered almonds. You should also always feed naturally sweet almonds and not bitter almonds, as bitter almonds are poisonous.

There is also a risk of choking. Although almonds are small, they have a hard shell that makes them difficult for dogs to chew and swallow. This can cause a blockage in the throat or digestive system that needs to be treated immediately. You can grind the almonds if you still want to give them to your dog every now and then.


First of all, I would like to clarify something: dogs can theoretically eat hazelnuts. They are not toxic to dogs, and your four-legged friend will not have any problems if he eats a few unsalted, uncoated hazelnuts.

Like almonds, hazelnuts are just the right size to pose a choking hazard or cause intestinal obstruction. Small dogs can choke on hazelnuts, and larger dogs tend to devour them without chewing, causing the hazelnuts to get stuck in the intestines and cause significant problems. If you want to feed a small amount of hazelnuts to provide your dog with healthy fats, it is best to grind the hazelnuts.


For healthy dogs, one or two unsalted cashews are not harmful. The cashews must be roasted or baked because raw they can contain a dangerous poison similar to that of poison ivy. But even though cashews are technically safe for dogs to eat (in the right form), they contain high levels of potassium. They can cause health problems in dogs prone to urinary problems.

Although cashews are a good source of protein, they contain large amounts of fat and calories. Cashews are also large nuts that even large breeds can choke on. But this is especially true for small breeds. There is also a risk of intestinal blockage.

Types of Nuts Dogs Shouldn't Eat

There are several types of nuts that can be toxic or harmful to dogs and should be avoided. Here is a list of nuts that dogs should avoid:

Macadamia nuts

According to research, macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs. As with raisins, scientists have not yet determined which substance in these nuts causes the toxicity in dogs, but the effects can be serious. Dogs that have eaten macadamia nuts have been known to exhibit weakness in the legs, vomiting, tremors, diarrhea, and fever. Your dog may experience all of the symptoms of macadamia poisoning or just a few of them.

The study estimated the number of macadamia nuts consumed by dogs, with the average being 11.7 g/kg body weight. Even a single macadamia nut can seriously harm your dog. Contact a veterinarian immediately if you suspect that your four-legged friend has eaten these nuts or you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above.


Walnuts are actually a good source of potassium and unsaturated fatty acids. Nevertheless, it should not be fed to pets. Aside from the risk of intestinal blockage and stomach irritation, walnuts can be toxic to dogs because they can be contaminated with mold. Moldy walnuts (regardless of variety) may contain fungi that produce tremorgenic mycotoxins. If your dog is exposed to this, he can develop seizures and other dangerous neurological complications.

Black walnuts are particularly dangerous for dogs. The toxic principle is unknown, but it could be related to a compound called juglone in all three parts. The poison can cause weakness, paralysis and even death. If your dog eats black walnuts, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. If you need to take care of initial medical care before making the long trip to the vet, you can use an online vet chat to get personalized help from certified professionals 24/7.


A slice of pecan pie might be just what you need on a rainy day, but your four-legged friend should stay away from these delicious nuts! Like pistachios, moldy pecans can contain aflatoxin, which is produced by the Aspergillus fungus. This substance can cause liver damage in dogs. Pecans are also high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can cause inflammation in dogs.

bitter almonds

Bitter almonds contain a high concentration of cyanide, which can be toxic to dogs. Eating bitter almonds can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems and even death in dogs.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are not toxic to dogs, but they are not suitable for them. Brazil nuts can upset your dog's stomach and cause many digestive problems. In the long term, eating Brazil nuts can cause pancreatitis in dogs, so it's better not to give your four-legged friend these fatty nuts.

It is important to ensure that dogs do not eat nuts contained in chocolate or other ingredients high in fat or sugar, as this can lead to gastrointestinal problems or even pancreatitis.

Brazil nuts have a naturally high calcium content. This can be added with eggshell powder, for example.


These green nuts are very popular among people, but pistachios can be harmful to dogs. They may contain the mold Aspergillus, which produces aflatoxin and can damage your dog's liver. Aside from the risky fungi lurking around, pistachios can also pose a choking hazard and block your pup's intestines - especially if they're not shelled.

The high fat content of pistachios can also cause pancreatitis. If your dog eats pistachios, it's important to watch for signs of gastrointestinal distress. Pistachios are also very high in calories, which can cause dogs to gain weight.

Pine nuts

Even though pine nuts are not on the list of nuts poisonous to dogs, it is not a good idea to feed them to your dog. Pine nuts are high in fat and phosphorus and can irritate your dog's stomach even if eaten in small amounts. Suppose your four-legged friends have eaten a lot of pine nuts or have eaten them regularly. In this case, they could develop pancreatitis or urinary tract complications.

What to do if my dog ​​ate nuts?

If your dog accidentally eats nuts, especially those that are poisonous to dogs, you should see a veterinarian immediately. Some symptoms of nut poisoning in dogs may include vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, weakness, tremors, difficulty breathing, or even coma.

Depending on the type of nut your dog ate, the vet may use different treatment options. For example, it may be necessary to induce the dog to vomit or perform gastric lavage to remove the nuts from the dog's stomach. In severe cases, inpatient treatment may be necessary.

It is therefore important that you make sure that your dog does not ingest any nuts from the environment. If you suspect your dog has eaten a nut and is showing symptoms of poisoning, don't hesitate to contact a veterinarian.


Can dogs eat nuts? All in all, nuts are not the best choice for your four-legged best friend. Although not all nuts are dangerous for dogs, chronic consumption of nuts can lead to obesity and serious health problems such as pancreatitis in dogs. It's better to treat your dog with special treats that contain fewer calories and fats than nuts.

Nuts contain a lot of fat and often also sodium and phosphorus and should therefore not be a regular part of your dog's menu. Nuts can have coatings that contain pepper, onions, garlic, cocoa, sugar, chocolate, or just too much salt. In dogs prone to heart or kidney disease, salt can worsen existing health problems or trigger a relapse and promote the development of urinary stones and high blood pressure.

In addition, there is always a high risk of fungal contamination, which can harm your four-legged friend's health. So observe your dogs' behavior when they steal a nut or two from your stash. If the nuts your dog ate are on the list of nuts you shouldn't give to your pet, contact a veterinarian to avoid possible health complications.