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Can dogs eat pineapple? Feeding tips

Can dogs eat pineapple? Feeding tips

It's a hot summer day and a fruit salad is just the right choice. As you cut open a fresh pineapple, you watch your dog carefully searching the ground for "drops". You look back at the cut pineapple and ask yourself, “Can dogs eat pineapple?”

Good question! Many fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs, and pineapple is one fruit that is not only safe but also high in nutrients. The tangy fruit contains many vitamins and minerals that support your dog's health and water balance. This makes them a very healthy treat!

All dog-safe fruits are suitable as an occasional treat if you only offer them at a ratio of 10% to your dog's regular, balanced dog food. Anything beyond this can lead to digestive problems and obesity. Raw pineapple contains a high amount of sugar at 10%. Therefore, it should never make up a large part of your dog's balanced diet. In this post, we'll cover everything you need to know about feeding pineapple to your dog.

Is pineapple safe for dogs?

Pineapple can be safe for dogs when fed in moderate amounts and certain precautions are followed, the fruit contains important nutrients and vitamins that can be beneficial for dogs' health, however, pineapple may also contain a certain amount of sugar and it There are certain ingredients, such as bromelain, that can be toxic to dogs. Additionally, the frequency and amount of feeding pineapple may vary from dog to dog depending on factors such as age, weight, health status, and dietary habits. It is important to consult your veterinarian before feeding pineapple to your dog to minimize any potential risks.

What are the health benefits of pineapple for my dog?

Pineapple, slices, fruit

Pineapple may have some health benefits for dogs as it is rich in nutrients and vitamins. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Hydration: Pineapple is 82% water, making it a great hydrator if your dog needs extra hydration on a hot day.
  • Antioxidants: Repair damaged cells.
  • Vitamin C: Strengthens your dog's immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin B6: An important coenzyme for brain and body functions that regulates fluid balance, builds proteins, regulates hormones and supports neurotransmitters in your dog's body.
  • Minerals: Support healthy skin and coat as well as strong ligaments and tissues.
  • Bromelain: An enzyme that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it is also considered nature's histamine and can help with skin problems.

What parts of pineapple can my dog ​​eat?

Your dog can usually eat pineapple pulp, the pulp of the pineapple. Most dogs can digest the pulp without any problems as it is rich in nutrients and can be an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber.

However, you should be careful not to give your dog pineapple stems, leaves, or peels, as these parts can be difficult to digest and can even cause a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. Although it is true that the pineapple stem also contains bromelain, which can help with digestive problems, you should only include a small amount of pineapple flesh in your dog's diet instead.

It's also important to make sure the pineapple is completely peeled, as the rough outer layers are difficult to digest and can also contain potentially toxic pesticides. If your dog eats these parts of the pineapple, they may cause an intestinal blockage or choking problem.

How much pineapple can dogs eat?

The amount of pineapple dogs can eat depends on various factors, such as the dog's weight, age and general health. The high natural sugar content in any fresh fruit can contribute to obesity or increase blood sugar levels. Pineapple has a sugar content of 10%. So if your dog has health problems such as diabetes or obesity, consuming large amounts can have a negative impact. Your vet can tell you if the sugar content of pineapple is too high for your dog.

As a general guideline, you should only feed pineapple to your dog in small amounts. A recommended amount would be about one to two pieces of pineapple per day for a medium-sized dog. It is also important to view pineapple as a treat and not as a replacement for a balanced and complete diet.

Always consider your dog's individual needs and if you are unsure, consult a veterinarian before adding pineapple to your dog's diet. Too much pineapple can simply lead to digestive problems or excessive sugar intake in dogs.

Pineapple for dogs: canned or fresh?

We recommend feeding fresh pineapple to your dog instead of canned pineapple. This is because canned pineapple often contains sugar or syrup as preservatives, which can be harmful to your dog.

Fresh pineapple, on the other hand, is rich in nutrients and can therefore be a healthy addition to your dog's balanced diet. However, it is important that you wash the pineapple thoroughly and peel it properly to remove any harmful pesticides or residue.

We also advise that you only feed pineapple in moderation, as excessive intake, whether fresh or canned, can cause digestive problems. You may want to consult your veterinarian before feeding pineapple, especially if your dog has health problems or is on a special diet.

Theory: Pineapple stops dogs from eating poop

Pineapple, slices, fruit

Haven't we all watched our dog suddenly eat poop in the garden? What on earth is going on, we think. But unfortunately, this happens more often than you think, and there are many theories about how to prevent it and what causes this behavior.

One theory is that pineapple stops your dog from eating poop because pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme also found in meat tenderizers (another additive that dog owners believe will stop the habit, but it's an unhealthy one). Medium). Bromelain is at least said to make feces taste spoiled, making it less attractive for dogs to exhibit this behavior.

This unsavory behavior is called coprophagia and is a fairly common phenomenon in dogs, unfortunately there is no scientific evidence that the bromelain in pineapple curbs this problem. Most veterinarians believe that the most effective way to deter your dog is to immediately clean up any feces left in the yard.

Ideas for homemade pineapple treats:

But back to the fun stuff about pineapples: Fresh pineapple is a very versatile addition to your dog's diet. There are many pineapple recipes for dogs online, but here are a few easy ways to feed pineapple:

  • If you mix the pineapple in yogurt with other dog-friendly fruits like watermelon, blueberries, and banana slices, you'll have a healthy fruit salad that your dog can enjoy. Make sure the mixing ratio follows the 10 percent rule for treats to avoid too many calories and sugar.
  • Frozen pineapple is a refreshing, hydrating treat on a hot summer day that your dog is sure to appreciate!
  • Pureed pineapple frozen in ice cube trays is another tasty treat when your dog needs extra hydration.
  • Dog Ice Cream: Puree yogurt, fresh fruit, and some cooked sweet potatoes and freeze. Once the mixture is frozen, you can offer it to your dog as an ice cream snack.
  • Smoothies: Add fresh fruit, e.g. E.g. pineapple, and vegetables pureed with pineapple juice or yogurt to create a healthy smoothie that your dog can enjoy drinking for a change.


Can dogs eat pineapple? Yes, fresh pineapple is a healthy alternative to packaged treats that may contain too many fats or additives. It's packed with moisture and nutrients to support your dog's health. However, not all dogs have to like the refreshing fruit, but many find them delicious in smoothies or dog ice cream. However, despite all its benefits, it is important to view pineapple only as a treat and not as a replacement for a balanced diet. Please make sure to only feed the pulp of the pineapple and not the stems, peel or leaves. You should avoid canned pineapples entirely, as they often contain added sugar or syrup. If you are unsure whether pineapple should be part of your dog's diet, contact your veterinarian.