Stress beim Hund Erkennen: Anzeichen, Ursachen und Lösungen

Recognizing stress in dogs: signs, causes and solutions

Recognizing stress in dogs: signs, causes and solutions

Our lives are hectic and this stress can also be passed on to our dogs. But how do you know if your dog is stressed? And what can you do to help him? In this blog post we get to the bottom of these questions.

Signs of stress in dogs

Dogs show stress in different ways, and sometimes the symptoms are difficult to recognize. Here are some common signs:

  • Restlessness and Hyperactivity: A stressed dog may be restless and have difficulty sitting still.
  • Changed behavior: An otherwise obedient dog might start destroying things or barking excessively.
  • Loss of appetite: Many dogs lose interest in eating when stressed.
  • Hide or retreat: A stressed dog will often look for a safe place to hide.
  • Physical Symptoms: Trembling, excessive panting, or frequent paw licking are possible signs of stress.
  • Aggressive behavior: Some dogs respond to stress by behaving aggressively toward people or other animals.

Possible causes of stress in dogs

There are many potential triggers for stress in dogs, here are some examples:

  • Environmental changes: Moving, introducing new pets or furniture can cause stress.
  • Social factors: Separation from significant others or arguments in the household can have a negative impact.
  • Noise: Loud noises such as thunderstorms, fireworks or traffic can be stressful.
  • Boredom: A lack of mental and physical activity can also cause stress.
  • Health problems: Illnesses or pain are often stress triggers.

Approaches to solving stress symptoms

  1. Visit to the vet: The first step if you suspect stress should always be a visit to the vet to rule out possible health problems.
  2. Identify stressors: Try to figure out what is causing your dog's stress and minimize those factors if possible.
  3. Calming influences: Some dogs respond well to calming influences such as special music for dogs or pheromone sprays.
  4. More exercise: Getting enough physical activity can help reduce stress.
  5. Training: Targeted behavioral training can help the dog deal better with stressful situations.


Stress in dogs can take many forms. The signs can be subtle, which is why it's important to pay attention to any changes in your furry friend's behavior. A proactive approach that includes both identifying stressors and appropriate coping strategies can help your dog go through life more relaxed and happy. And that's ultimately what we all want for our dogs, right?