Wassermelonen für Hunde: Dürfen Hunde Wassermelone essen?

Can dogs eat watermelon? A look at the facts

Can dogs eat watermelon? A look at the facts
Pet, dog, watermelon

Can dogs eat watermelon? The short answer is: yes, dogs can eat watermelon. But before you feed your dog this treat, there are a few things you should know. This fruit contains many vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for your dog's health. It's 92 percent water, which can be incredibly refreshing on a hot day.

But too much of a good thing can also be harmful, and watermelon rinds and seeds can cause serious health problems in dogs. To ensure your dog doesn't get sick, it's important to know how to safely consume watermelon. Always consult your veterinarian before feeding your pet human food, including watermelon. Here's what you should know about feeding watermelon to dogs.

Can your dog eat watermelon? Yes, it is a healthy treat!

Yes, watermelon is one of the best fruits as a treat for your dog. Due to its high moisture and fiber content and its high nutrient density, it is one of the superfoods. Properly prepared, it's a quick, nutritious and hydrating treat when the sun is high in the sky and your dog needs some extra fluids or a tasty snack. But remember that too much watermelon can cause stomach upset if your dog devours it.

With so many inventive ways to offer watermelon to your dog, it's hard to ignore watermelon as a healthy snack for your dog!

What nutrients and benefits does watermelon contain for dogs?

Watermelon, fruits, food

Watermelon is rich in antioxidants, potassium and vitamins C, B6 and A. It also contains a lot of lycopene and a lot of fiber. Composed of 92% water, watermelon is not only an excellent choice for hydration on hot days, but also one of the best choices for a healthy snack for you and your dog because of its high nutritional value.

Let's take a deeper look into the health benefits of watermelon:

  • Moisture: The high moisture content (94%) contributes to hydration, which is particularly important in hot weather.
  • Antioxidants: Repair cells damaged by environmental stress in our and our dog's bodies. Imagine they are the oxidation soldiers, seeking out damaged cells and protecting them from the decay that breaks down our dogs' bodies as they age.
  • Lycopene: It is responsible for the beautiful red in watermelons and tomatoes. It is also good for cancer prevention and supports eyesight in dogs. Research has shown that it slows cancer growth.
  • Potassium: Supports healthy kidney and heart function, promotes bone density, regulates fluid balance and helps build muscle.
  • Vitamin C: Another powerful antioxidant, boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation.
  • Fiber: Keeps food moving in the intestines to prevent constipation, relieve diarrhea and prevent constipation.
  • Vitamin A: Supports the proper function and quality of skin, coat, muscles and nerves.
  • Vitamin B6: An important coenzyme for brain and body functions that regulates fluid balance, builds proteins, regulates hormones and supports neurotransmitters in your dog's body.

How to feed watermelon to a dog

Fruits, food, watermelon pieces

Like any other treat for your dog, watermelon should be fed in moderation, in addition to a regular, balanced diet. Here are some safe ways to feed watermelon to your dog:

  • In pieces: Cut the watermelon into slices and remove the rind and seeds.
  • Frozen pieces: After removing the peel and seeds, freeze the fruit in the freezer and take it out on a hot summer day. The treat will help your dog cool down!
  • Puree: Puree the fresh fruit after removing the seeds and peel, then freeze it in an ice cube tray.
  • Watermelon Ice Cream: Mix frozen watermelon chunks with plain, unsweetened yogurt. Pour it over your dog's food bowl or pour it into a rubber toy like a Kong. Unless they are lactose intolerant, most dogs can eat yogurt safely. It is generally better tolerated than ice cream, and the bacterial cultures in yogurt are good for intestinal health. Just make sure you choose a natural yogurt without added flavors, fruits, sugar, natural or artificial sweeteners. Read the label carefully to make sure the product does not contain toxic xylitol. If your dog doesn't tolerate yogurt well, consider other alternatives, such as: B. lactose-free yogurt, milk-based yogurt or dairy-free yogurt made from plant-based products. Always read the label to avoid unsafe additives or ingredients.

Can dogs eat watermelon rind?

To be on the safe side, you should never feed your four-legged friends watermelon rinds. The peel of the fruit is not only harder to eat, but also difficult to digest. Although it is not poisonous, it can cause stomach upset and vomiting. If your four-legged friend bites off a little of the shell, don't worry! He'll be fine! Just don't make it a habit.

Can dogs eat watermelon seeds?

Never feed the black seeds of a watermelon to a dog. The best way to share the watermelon with your four-legged friend is to buy a seedless fruit. This way you don't have to pick out any seeds! Like the rind, the watermelon seeds are not necessarily poisonous. If your four-legged friend accidentally swallows one or two, it shouldn't bother you.

The biggest risk posed by watermelon seeds is the risk of intestinal blockage. Since the seeds aren't normally digested, they can get stuck in your dog's digestive tract. This risk is particularly high in small dogs, but the safest bet is to simply avoid the seeds, regardless of the dog's size!

Can dogs eat yellow watermelon?

Yellow watermelon is completely safe for dogs. Both red and yellow watermelons contain the same important nutrients. Red watermelons contain lycopene, which gives them their color, while yellow watermelons are rich in beta-carotene. That's why they have a sweeter, honey-like taste. Nevertheless, they are just as safe for consumption by dogs.

When is watermelon bad for dogs?

Watermelon should not be a large part of a dog's diet. Dogs who eat too much watermelon are likely to experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, or other signs of gastrointestinal distress. Some dogs become anxious when they try a new food that they are not used to. It's best to give your dog watermelon in moderation, especially if he hasn't eaten it before, and see how he reacts. You can ask your vet what amount is appropriate for your dog.

Can watermelon turn dog poop red?

Yes! Watermelon can turn your dog's poop red. The fruit shares this characteristic with other colorful foods such as beetroot and red velvet cake. If this happens, it's probably a sign that you may have overdone the watermelon. Hold off on the watermelon snacks until your dog's poop returns to its normal color.

Can watermelon cause diarrhea in dogs?

Watermelon should not cause diarrhea. If your four-legged friend has diarrhea after eating watermelon, he may be allergic. In other cases, the chemistry of the fruit may not be good for your dog's stomach. Dogs, just like humans, have unique digestive chemistry. Not every four-legged friend can tolerate the same thing, and some cannot digest watermelon well. If this is the case, you should not give your dog watermelon. There are many other delicious fruits that you can share with your four-legged friend!

Additionally, watermelon can also cause diarrhea in dogs, especially if they eat too much of it or if they consume the rind and seeds along with the pulp. Watermelon rinds and seeds can be difficult to digest and cause digestive problems. To avoid diarrhea and other digestive problems in dogs, watermelon should be carefully prepared by removing the rind and seeds and only small amounts should be given as a treat. If your dog has diarrhea after eating watermelon, you should monitor him and see a veterinarian if necessary.

How much watermelon can I give my dog?

As healthy as watermelon may be, it's still a tasty treat! There's a bit of sugar hidden in this delicious, juicy treat, so don't overdo it. Treats like watermelon and other fruits should only make up 10% of your dog's total diet. Only give watermelon slices in moderation and only if you take proper precautions. Remember: If you are ever in doubt, ask your vet first!

Only natural watermelon

Sweet products that contain watermelon, or anything artificially flavored with watermelon, are probably not a good idea for dogs. They are usually full of sugar, chemicals, or other substances that can make your dog sick. Too much sugar can cause gastrointestinal upset in the short term and diabetes or obesity in the long term. Artificial sweeteners like xylitol can even be toxic to dogs, so stick to regular watermelon that you make yourself. This way you know what's inside.


Can dogs eat watermelon? In summary, dogs are generally safe to eat watermelon as long as it is served in moderation and in the correct manner. Watermelon contains many healthy nutrients and can be beneficial for dogs when given as part of a balanced diet. However, it is important to note that watermelon rinds and seeds can be difficult for dogs to digest and can cause digestive problems. Therefore, the watermelon should be carefully prepared by removing the peel and seeds. If you are unsure whether your dog should eat watermelon, it is best to contact your veterinarian. Overall, watermelon is a healthy treat for dogs that offers them a welcome change from their regular food.