Dürfen Hunde Walnüsse essen oder sind Walnüsse giftig für Hunde?

Can dogs eat walnuts? Everything you need to know

Can dogs eat walnuts? Everything you need to know
For many dog ​​owners, the question arises as to whether dogs can eat walnuts or not. While walnuts are a tasty and healthy snack for us humans, there are a few factors to consider for dogs. For example, if the dosage is too high, walnuts can lead to gastrointestinal problems or even poisoning. On the other hand, they can also be beneficial for the dog's health as they are rich in proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, among other things. In this blog post you will find out whether dogs can eat walnuts, what you need to consider and what the potential advantages and disadvantages are. This way, as a dog owner, you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to give your dog this food.

Can dogs eat walnuts?

Can dogs eat walnuts?

Until some time ago, walnuts were considered a stone fruit, but they are actually a nut fruit. You crack its hard, wrinkled shell to get to the equally wrinkled but edible nut inside. For humans, walnuts have many nutritional benefits as they contain good fats, proteins, fiber and many other vitamins and minerals. Consuming walnuts can help reduce cholesterol, heart and neurological problems. It contributes to bone health and helps with many other health problems, such as gallstones and epilepsy. But are walnuts OK for dogs? Or are walnuts poisonous to dogs?

Some nuts, like cashews, are OK in small amounts. Others, such as macadamia nuts, should never be consumed by dogs due to their toxicity. Where do walnuts fall on this spectrum? Are walnuts and dogs a good combination?
The short answer is that most fresh walnuts are not dangerous in small quantities. However, black walnuts and moldy walnuts are very poisonous. In addition, the larger walnuts and inadequate preparation can pose a danger to your dog.

Walnuts and dogs

As mentioned, walnuts are often touted as a healthy choice for humans, but that doesn't automatically mean walnuts are just as good for dogs. Many articles and pet health websites claim that high-fat foods are bad for dogs accustomed to a high-carb diet. However, recent studies have shown that fats and proteins naturally make up half of a dog's optimal diet, and carbohydrates only make up a tiny percentage. So although dogs shouldn't eat too much fat, having a good amount of fat in their diet doesn't automatically mean they're unhealthy.

However, human treats like walnuts are not a particularly healthy addition to your dog's diet in the long run. The high calorie and fat content can lead to obesity and also pancreatic problems if your dog has a sensitive stomach or is prone to this disease.

When are walnuts bad for dogs?

The most important thing to remember is that black walnuts and moldy walnuts are dangerous for your dog. But even the non-poisonous nuts are hard and small. Therefore, they can easily lead to internal blockages. Let's take a look at when walnuts are dangerous for our dogs.

Are walnuts toxic to dogs?

Can dogs eat walnuts?
Yes, walnuts can be toxic to dogs, especially when consumed in large quantities. Walnuts contain a substance called juglone, which can cause symptoms of poisoning in dogs such as diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In severe cases, this can even lead to liver damage. In addition, swallowed walnut shells can also cause constipation and intestinal obstruction in dogs, which can be life-threatening. For this reason, it is important to limit the amount of walnuts you give your dog and to seek immediate veterinary care if poisoning is suspected.

Can dogs eat walnuts whole?

It is not recommended that dogs eat walnuts whole as it can cause constipation and intestinal obstruction. The hard shells of walnuts can get stuck in the dog's intestinal tract and lead to serious health problems. However, if dogs eat small amounts of walnuts that have already been removed from the shell, it is usually safe as long as it is done in moderation.

Are walnuts safe for dogs?

The general answer is: no. Some walnuts may be completely safe for dogs. However, if you are concerned about the freshness of the walnuts, you should not let your dog get to them. By not offering this snack, you also prevent the risk of choking.

Are walnuts good for dogs?

Again, the dangers of black or moldy walnuts far outweigh the small health benefits that walnuts can have as an occasional treat. No, walnuts are generally not suitable for dogs. Although fresh walnuts won't harm your dog, there are many better treats you can share with your pet.

Can dogs eat candied or spiced walnuts?

No, dogs should not eat candied or spiced walnuts. Candied walnuts often contain added sugar and other ingredients like syrup that are unhealthy for dogs and can cause digestive problems. In addition, the ingredients contained in spice mixtures such as cinnamon, cloves or nutmeg can cause symptoms of poisoning in dogs. It is important that dogs only eat unsweetened, unseasoned and unsalted walnuts, given in limited quantities as a treat. If you want to feed your dog walnuts, it is always best to give them raw and in small quantities to ensure that your dog does not show any unwanted symptoms.

Can a dog eat walnuts if they are black or moldy?

If you saw your dog eating black or moldy walnuts, you should call your veterinarian immediately or take him to an emergency clinic.
There are different symptoms that you can observe. Eating black walnuts may cause tremors, vomiting, or seizures. The mycotoxins in moldy walnuts can cause muscle tremors, seizures, panting, vomiting, weakness, increased heart rate and body temperature, dehydration and loss of appetite, among other things. When examining dogs with these symptoms, it was determined that walnuts were the cause when their shells or remains were found in the dog's vomit.

People whose dogs had eaten moldy walnuts did not realize their dog had eaten them until symptoms became apparent.
Suppose your dog has eaten black or moldy walnuts and is suffering from the symptoms mentioned above. In this case, the situation should be considered serious. If your dog has black walnut or mycotoxin poisoning, he needs to be taken to the hospital and treated as quickly as possible.


In summary, dogs are allowed to eat walnuts as long as they are given in limited quantities and in the correct form. Walnuts contain important nutrients such as proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for the dog's health. However, walnuts can also cause undesirable symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain if fed in too large quantities or in the wrong form. Additionally, swallowed walnut shells can cause constipation and intestinal obstruction in dogs, which can be life-threatening. It is therefore important to limit the amount of walnuts you give your dog and to consult a veterinarian immediately if poisoning is suspected. If you are unsure about giving your dog walnuts, it is always best to consult your veterinarian first.