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Can dogs eat cheese? The truth about the snack

Can dogs eat cheese? The truth about the snack

Can dogs eat cheese?

As dog parents, we often ask ourselves what we can and cannot feed our four-legged friends. One of the foods that is on the menu for many of us is cheese. But can dogs eat cheese and is it a safe and healthy snack for our dogs or should we avoid it? In this article, we'll examine the facts and myths surrounding dogs and cheese and help you make an informed decision about whether and how much cheese you should give your four-legged friend.

What should you consider when feeding cheese?

Cheese is a food rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, B-12 and K-2, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. For us humans, it is a good way to cover our daily needs for calcium, protein and fat. And even though we - and our dogs - know that cheese tastes good, we ask ourselves: is it also suitable for dogs?

A small amount of cheese is fine for most dogs. Still, it's probably safest to avoid cheese due to possible gastrointestinal upset. Pets don't have as much lactase - an enzyme that helps digest dairy products - as we do. That's why foods containing lactose can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite.

Because of their high fat content, these foods can sometimes even cause pancreatitis, which can lead to obesity and other health problems.

It's best to check with your veterinarian to see whether your dog can safely eat cheese and how much is safe depending on size, breed and other health factors.

What benefits does cheese have for dogs?

Cheese can be a tasty and nutritious addition to a dog's diet. It contains proteins and calcium, which are important for healthy muscles, a strong immune system and strong bones. Additionally, cheese can be used as a treat or as a filling in toys to encourage play and learning. However, cheese should be given in moderation as it can also be fatty and high in calories. It is important to keep an eye on the dog's total amount of food and make sure he is not lactose intolerant.

Risks of feeding cheese to your dog

Although most dogs can eat cheese as a treat or mixed in with their regular food, there are a few things you should consider before feeding cheese to your dog:

Remember that most dogs are lactose intolerant. Because their bodies cannot fully and properly digest dairy products, including cheese, eating cheese may cause them to have an upset stomach.

Cheese can cause weight gain. Cheese has a lot of calories due to its high fat content. Pet owners who are concerned about their dog's weight should not feed them cheese.

If your dog has had pancreatitis, you should avoid cheese. Pancreatitis is a serious and life-threatening digestive disorder that may require hospitalization. Talk to your vet first if your dog has had this problem.

What cheese can dogs eat?

Cheese comes in all different shapes, textures, colors and ages. With so many options, it can be stressful trying to figure out which cheeses are safe for your dog.

Here are some smart decisions if you want to feed your dog cheese:

cottage cheese

Can dogs eat cottage cheese? Low-fat cottage cheese is a healthy choice for your dog because it is low in lactose compared to most other cheeses. It is also an excellent source of protein and calcium.

Swiss cheese

If you like Swiss cheese, you'll be happy to know that you can feed it to your four-legged friend because it's low in lactose.


Can dogs eat Gauda cheese? Gauda cheese is a good option for your dog as it is also low in lactose.

What cheese can dogs not eat?

Certain types of cheese are safe for your dog, while others are an absolute no-go. The older and moldier the cheese, the more it should be avoided.

Blue cheese

Blue cheese can pose several risks for your dog. Blue cheese contains mold, which can be toxic to dogs and can cause convulsions and vomiting.

Can dogs eat cheese?

Cheese with herbs, garlic and other spices

Cheese with herbs and vegetables, such as chives or garlic, is not suitable for dogs. Garlic and chives can damage your dog's red blood cells and cause serious health problems.

Goat cheese

Goat's milk contains much more lactose than cow's milk, making it a high-lactose and high-fat cheese that should be avoided.


Similar to goat cheese, brie is high in lactose and fat and is a rich cheese that is likely to upset your dog's stomach.

Feta cheese

Another cheese you should avoid is feta. This cheese not only contains a lot of lactose and fat, but also a lot of sodium.

How much cheese can a dog eat?

The amount of cheese a dog can eat depends on various factors, such as the size, age, weight and health of the four-legged friend. In general, cheese should only be fed in moderation as it is high in fat and can cause digestive problems if consumed in large quantities.
As a rule of thumb, cheese should make up no more than 10% of the dog's daily diet. A small cube of cheese as an occasional treat can be fine, but it's important to keep the portion size in mind and make sure it fits into the dog's daily nutritional needs.

What you should consider when feeding your dog cheese

Before feeding your dog cheese, you should always consult your veterinarian to determine the safest and appropriate portion size. A calcium-rich treat like cheese should also be included in your dog's optimal daily, balanced diet; This is what pet owners should do:

Choose a low-fat cheese. Cottage cheese is a good choice. Avoid cheeses with a high fat content such as goat cheese, feta and brie.

Avoid spicy cheeses. That means no pepper jack cheese or spicy siracha cheddar! Spicy cheeses can cause stomach upset.

Start small. If your dog has never eaten cheese before, start with a small amount to see how he reacts. Assuming he doesn't have any side effects like an upset stomach. In this case, you can continue to feed your dog cheese in small amounts and in moderation.

Mix the cheese into your dog's regular food. A pinch of cheese is an excellent topping for the food. You can also hide the cheese under your dog's regular food so he has to work for the special treat.

Tip: Cheese when administering medication


Is your dog afraid of taking his medicine? Make it a pleasant experience for you and your four-legged friend with cheese!

Choose a low-fat cheese. The softer and more pliable it is, the easier it is for you to place the pill in the cheese. Then squeeze the cheese around the medication so your dog can't smell or see it. Sometimes it's best to give your dog cheese first without the treat, then the second bite and give him the cheese so he'll be less suspicious if he ate the first bite without the medication.


In summary, dogs can eat cheese in moderation as long as they are safe varieties and the portion size is controlled. However, cheese should never be used as a substitute for a balanced diet and should make up no more than 10% of your daily diet. It is also important to consider the dog's tolerance and ensure that he is not lactose intolerant. If you are unsure whether your dog can eat cheese, it is best to contact a veterinarian for a professional opinion.