Griechischer, Soja- oder Joghurt mit Haferflocken: Dürfen Hunde Joghurt essen?

Can dogs eat yogurt? We clarify!

Can dogs eat yogurt? We clarify!

Yogurt is a popular food for people and is often eaten as a healthy snack or breakfast. Many dog ​​owners wonder whether their dogs can eat yogurt. The good news is that yogurt is safe for dogs in moderation and may even have benefits for your dog's health. However, there are some things you should consider, such as the amount you give your dog and choosing the right yogurt. Here's what you should know about feeding yogurt to your dog

Can dogs eat yogurt?

Is yogurt good for dogs?

Healthy intestinal flora through probiotics

A healthy intestinal flora is also very important for dogs. The intestinal flora is a community of bacteria that live in the dog's intestines and help with digestion. Disturbed intestinal flora can lead to various health problems, such as indigestion, diarrhea or even a weakened immune system. There are various measures to support your dog's intestinal flora, such as feeding your dog probiotic foods such as yogurt or using special supplements. Through a balanced diet and targeted support of the intestinal flora, you can help keep your dog healthy and vital.

Provides your four-legged friend with calcium

One of the main reasons you should give your dog yogurt is because yogurt is a good source of calcium for four-legged friends. One cup of yogurt contains about 450 mg of calcium. Depending on your dog's size, you only need to give him one or two spoonfuls to get the daily amount of calcium he needs.

Rich in proteins

Aside from the benefits mentioned so far, yogurts also contain a lot of protein. Protein is important for your dog's diet. When it comes to giving your dog the protein he needs, Greek yogurt is actually a better choice than regular yogurt.

Simple addition to add more nutrients to meals

Another reason you should consider adding yogurt to your dog's diet is that it can help improve your dog's nutrition at every meal. When you serve your dog a meal, the yogurt provides the proteins and calcium your dog needs, as well as probiotics to support his digestive system. This will ensure your dog gets plenty of the good stuff he needs at every meal!

What yogurt alternatives are there?

Lactose-free yogurt

There is no scientific evidence that lactose-free yogurt is better for dogs than regular yogurt. In fact, some dogs may benefit from lactose-free yogurt if they are lactose intolerant because they cannot produce the enzyme lactase to digest lactose.

Soy yogurt

Soy yogurt can be an option for dogs suffering from lactose intolerance because it is lactose-free. Soy yogurt can also be a good alternative for dogs that suffer from dairy allergies. However, you should note that soy yogurt is not necessary and dogs can usually survive on a balanced diet without yogurt. However, it is important to ensure that the soy yogurt you give the dog does not contain any added ingredients such as sugar or artificial flavors and is given in moderation.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is generally a safe and healthy option for dogs as long as it is given in moderation and without added ingredients such as sugar or artificial flavors. However, it's important to note that Greek yogurt typically has a higher fat content than regular yogurt and therefore has a higher calorie count. So if your dog has weight problems or needs a diet, you should limit or avoid Greek yogurt consumption.

How much yogurt for your dog - the right amount for your four-legged friend

Can dogs eat yogurt?

How much yogurt should you give your dog?

The amount of yogurt that is suitable for dogs depends on the size of the dog and its individual needs. As a general rule of thumb, yogurt should only be given in small amounts as an occasional treat and should not make up more than 10% of your dog's daily diet.
For small dogs, a teaspoon of yogurt per day is usually enough, while larger dogs can tolerate a little more. However, it is important to note that some dogs are more sensitive to dairy products than others, especially if they suffer from lactose intolerance, in which case we have given you alternatives to regular yogurt for dogs above.

Consult your veterinarian

If you are unsure how much yogurt is appropriate for your dog, you should speak to a veterinarian. A veterinarian can help you determine an appropriate amount and ensure that yogurt does not have negative effects on your dog's health.

Options for feeding your dog yogurt

Start by giving him small amounts mixed with other foods

There are several ways to mix yogurt into your dog's food. You can simply add a teaspoon or tablespoon of yogurt directly to the food and mix well. Another option is to dilute the yogurt with a little water or chicken stock and then pour it over the food. You could also mix the yogurt with pureed vegetables to create a healthy and tasty meal for your dog.

As a frozen yogurt treat for four-legged friends

Can dogs eat yogurt ice cream? Another good idea is to serve yogurt to the dog as a frozen treat. If you give your dog fresh yogurt, it won't take him long to lick the entire portion out of the container. With a frozen treat, however, your dog can enjoy it for a longer period of time. It's also a relief, especially on warm days.


Yogurt for dogs can be a healthy addition to their diet because it contains good bacteria that can help maintain healthy intestinal flora. However, it is important to consider the quantity and ensure that the yogurt is suitable for dogs. Before buying or giving yogurt to your dog, you should consult your veterinarian. Yogurt for dogs can be a useful addition to their diet if given in moderation and in an appropriate form.