Cranberries für Hunde: Wirkung und Anwendung - paawy

Cranberries for dogs: effects and application

Cranberries for dogs: effects and application

When it comes to the health of our four-legged friends, we are always looking for natural and gentle remedies. One fruit that is mentioned again and again in this context are cranberries for dogs. In addition to helping with bladder infections, these small, sour berries are said to have other health benefits for our dogs. In this article we would like to take a closer look at the effects and uses of cranberries for dogs and show you how you can feed these berries to your dog in a healthy way.

May I introduce: the cranberry

Cranberries belong to the Vaccinium family, along with blueberries, which are also called blueberries. Native Americans first used cranberries to treat bladder and kidney diseases. The early settlers soon used the tart berries to combat loss of appetite, stomach problems, blood diseases and scurvy.

Many people believe that cranberries grow in water, but they grow in swamps. Peatlands are areas that contain acidic peat soil. The water comes from the harvesting process. Because cranberries have air pockets, the fields are flooded with water so the berries float and are easier to separate from the plant. The water also helps protect plants from frost, extreme heat and pests.

Let's look at the health benefits of cranberries, because there are many!

Benefits of Feeding Cranberries to Your Dog

Feeding cranberries to your dog has several notable benefits.

Cranberries are rich in antioxidants

These antioxidants offer numerous health benefits for your dog. Proanthocyanidins protect your dog's teeth by preventing the formation of plaque and tartar. Quercetin helps control inflammation, high blood pressure and food allergies. Cranberries are also rich in potassium and manganese, which promote growth and strong bones.

Cranberries improve bladder health

In addition to protecting your dog's teeth, proanthocyanidins can also prevent bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections (e.g. BE coli) from attaching to the bladder wall. Dogs suffering from chronic urinary tract infections may benefit from getting cranberry extract or supplements in their dog food.

Cranberries support a healthy immune system

Cranberries contain vitamins E, C, and K. Vitamin E can help reduce your dog's risk of heart disease. Vitamin C scavenges free radicals, reduces inflammation and helps with cognitive aging. Vitamin K supports heart health by reducing the risk of blood clotting.

Risks of Feeding Cranberries to Your Dog

The health benefits of cranberries have their limits. It is important that you only feed cranberries to your dog in moderation. Feeding your dog large amounts of cranberries (or sugary cranberry products) can have a negative impact on your dog's health.

Upset stomach

Although raw cranberries can help relieve an upset stomach, sugary cranberry juices and sauces can have the opposite effect. Unsweetened cranberry sauce and juice are usually tolerable, but only feed them in moderation to your dog. Also avoid feeding your dog trail mix that contains cranberries. They usually contain other dried fruits that can harm your dog, such as: E.g. currants and raisins.

Kidney stones

Cranberries protect against urinary tract infections, but their benefits have their limits. Cranberries are very acidic fruits. Too many acids in your dog's bladder can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate stones and kidney stones.

Danger of suffocation

Frozen cranberries can damage your dog's teeth and pose a choking hazard - especially for small dogs. Thaw the cranberries before feeding them to your dog.

Excessive weight gain

Like many dog ​​treats, too many human foods can cause harmful weight gain - especially if you feed your dog foods high in added sugar.

Can dogs drink cranberry juice?

No, dogs cannot drink cranberry juice, nor is it a safe way to give your dog the health benefits of cranberries. Small amounts of fresh cranberries added to dog food can help prevent urinary tract infections and provide nutrients like vitamin C and potassium that support your dog's immune system and promote bladder health. However, the large amounts of sugar, acid and calcium oxalates in cranberry juice make it unhealthy for your pet. Additionally, some mixes also contain grape juice, which is toxic to dogs.

3 Health Risks of Cranberry Juice for Dogs

Cranberry juice

Regular cranberry juice made for humans can be dangerous for dogs. Dog owners should not give their pets cranberry juice because it contains the following additives:

  • Acids: The acids in cranberry juice make it taste sour to your dog and, in large quantities, can cause gastrointestinal distress.
  • Calcium Oxalates: Consuming large amounts of cranberry juice can lead to calcium oxalate stones (or kidney stones).
  • Large amounts of sugar: Cranberry juice has a very high sugar content, which can be dangerous to your dog's health. Sugar-free varieties are also dangerous because they contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which are toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat cranberry sauce?

Cranberry sauce is safe for dogs in small amounts, but there are some additional risks. Cranberry sauce is high in sugar, which can cause gastrointestinal distress, and some recipes contain grapes and raisins, which are toxic to dogs. Recipes with brandy are also problematic because alcohol is also toxic to dogs. Feeding plain cranberry sauce in small amounts is probably safe for your dog, but it's a good idea to monitor your dog for signs of intestinal upset or allergic reactions after feeding a new food.

How can I feed my dog ​​cranberries?

Fresh cranberries are the best choice when your dog is begging for a taste. However, many dogs do not like the bitter taste of this sour treat. You might prefer blueberries or strawberries instead. Mix a few into your dog's regular food to boost his immune system.

Dried cranberries are also OK, as long as the label states that the manufacturer did not prepare them with added sugar.

Canned cranberry sauce is suitable in moderation. But be sure to read the label to make sure it only contains cranberries. And it is free of added sugar, artificial sweeteners or added grape juice.

Frozen cranberries are also a good choice for a quick snack for your dog. However, thaw the frozen berries first as they can pose a choking hazard (especially for small dogs).

Are cranberries good for dogs?

Dried cranberries

Yes, feeding cranberries to your dog is safe. If you feed them in moderation, your dog can benefit from the powerful vitamin boost this little fruit provides. The tart berries can boost your dog's immune system, prevent some types of cancer, and improve bladder health.

Cranberry extract, cranberry supplements, or just cranberries in your dog's diet can especially help animals that suffer from chronic or frequent urinary tract infections. Be sure to talk to your vet before offering them to your dog.

Even though cranberries are low in calories, they should be enjoyed in moderation because of their high acid content. When it comes to treats, follow the 90/10 rule: 90% of your dog's daily calories should come from a balanced dog food, while the remaining 10% of their daily calories can come from healthy treats.

Next time you prepare your Thanksgiving meal, consider saving some raw cranberries for your dog. Cranberries are safe for dogs and there are enough nutritional benefits.


When it comes to dog health, many people look for natural remedies and cranberries are one option. The small berries have many health benefits for dogs, but it is important to feed them in moderation. Unsweetened cranberry sauce is usually tolerable, but trail mix should be avoided as it usually contains other dried fruits that can be harmful to dogs. Cranberries are a nutritious and delicious dog treat, but as with all things, don't overdo it.