Wie du Angst bei deinem Hund erkennen kannst: Zeichen und Tipps fürs Verständnis

How to recognize fear in your dog: signs and tips for understanding

How to recognize fear in your dog: signs and tips for understanding

Dogs are our loyal companions, but sometimes they too can be plagued by fears and insecurities. As with us humans, these fears can be expressed in different ways. In this blog post, you'll learn how to recognize and address signs of anxiety in your dog:

1. Posture and movement

A fearful dog may shrink down, tuck its tail between its legs and lower its head. He may also tremble, become withdrawn, or try to hide in small hiding places.

2. Avoidance behavior

Your dog may try to move away from what scares him. This may mean that he runs away, hides, or refuses to move forward when he sees something frightening on a walk.

3. Altered eye expressions

Dilated pupils or frequent blinking can be a sign of discomfort. Sometimes the dog also shows the "whites of the eyes", which is often referred to as a "walleye".

4. Excessive licking or chewing

Sometimes dogs may lick or chew their paws due to fear or stress, just as people sometimes bite their nails when they are nervous.

5. Restlessness

A fearful dog may have difficulty settling down. He may pace back and forth, constantly get up and down, or change positions frequently.

6. Uncharacteristic behavior

If your dog suddenly crawls under the bed, goes into a corner, or seeks refuge in unusual places, this could be a sign of fear.

7. Barking or growling noises

Some dogs respond to fear with increased barking or growling behavior. This is often an attempt to drive away the source of fear or to gain distance.

8. Altered body signals

Some dogs begin to pant more, lick their nose more, or scratch more when they are stressed or anxious.

How can you help?

  • Calming: Offer your dog a safe place to retreat. This can be a corner, a room or a basket.
  • Distraction: Sometimes playing with a favorite toy or a treat can help divert attention from the source of anxiety.
  • Training: If fears persist, a professional dog trainer or behavioral therapist can help. They can offer techniques and exercises to reduce your dog's fears.
  • Veterinarian: If the fear occurs suddenly or is very intense, it may make sense to see a veterinarian to rule out medical causes.


Recognizing fear in your dog is the first step to helping him. By paying attention to his body language and behavioral changes, you can better meet his needs and ensure he feels safe and loved. Every dog ​​is unique, so it's important to trust your instincts and seek professional help if necessary.