Warum frisst mein Hund Sand?

Dog eats sand: Why it can be dangerous

Dog eats sand: Why it can be dangerous
Dogs, beach, sand

Some dogs have a penchant for eating things that are unappetizing or even dangerous to us humans. One of these potentially dangerous habits is eating sand. It may seem harmless, but swallowing sand can actually lead to serious health problems in dogs. It's a little known fact that sand can be very dangerous for dogs if ingested. And even if you think your dog isn't at risk because he doesn't eat sand, you should know that most cases of sand ingestion happen accidentally. So if you're planning on going to the beach this summer, keep a close eye on your pup! In this post, we'll take a closer look at why dogs eat sand, the risks involved, and what steps you should take to protect your furry pet.

Dog eats sand: what can happen?

When dogs eat sand, it can lead to various health problems. The sand can build up in the gastrointestinal tract and cause constipation or blockages. In addition, sand and dirt can also contain toxins and parasites that can lead to infections and poisoning. If you notice your dog eating sand or showing signs of a gastrointestinal obstruction or blockage, you should see a veterinarian immediately. It's also important to discourage your dog from eating sand by supervising him during the walk and providing him with appropriate toys and food.

What are the symptoms of constipation in a dog?

Symptoms of sand blockage in dogs include lethargy, pale gums, excessive panting, shaking/trembling, dehydration (look for dry nose and gums), loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes with blood), and a hard stomach. In most cases, dogs recover quickly with veterinary help, but in severe cases, sand exposure can be fatal, especially if left untreated. It's important to see a veterinarian as soon as your dog shows symptoms.

What does a vet do if my dog ​​swallows sand?

If you see your dog eating sand, you should take your dog to the vet for an examination to determine how serious the situation is. In some cases, if your dog has already been sick and is not showing any other symptoms, your vet may tell you to keep an eye on him and not prescribe any special treatment.

However, if your vet finds that your dog is very sick, he or she will probably first give him something to induce vomiting to get the sand out of his intestines. If your dog is severely dehydrated, your vet may give him intravenous fluids, which can also help the sand pass out of the intestines.

In severe cases, surgery may be required to remove the compacted sand.

Is there a home remedy for sand constipation in dogs?

You should always take your dog to the vet if you notice symptoms of sand clumping. Only your veterinarian can tell you how difficult your dog's situation is. If he thinks that your dog does not need any special treatment, you just need to keep a close eye on your animal and make sure that his health condition does not deteriorate.

Make sure your dog always has fresh water available. You can also encourage your dog to move the sand through his intestines by feeding him a teaspoon or two of pumpkin puree and kibble.

How to stop a dog from eating sand

Dog, beach, digging sand

Unfortunately, most cases of sand ingestion are caused accidentally, so it can be difficult to prevent. But here are a few things to watch out for:

Avoid playing catch on the beach by picking up toys from the ground.

Your dog accidentally swallows sand. Most cases of sand blockage occur when you play fetch on the beach. If you can, don't take toys to the beach. If you do, choose a toy with a flat and smooth surface, such as a toy. B. a Frisbee. These absorb less sand than a tennis ball.

Don't let your dog dig holes.

Digging in the sand is fun for your dog, but it's dangerous! If he has his nose close to the ground and throws sand into the air at the same time, he will probably swallow it. If you see your dog digging, try to distract him with something else.

Don't let your dog drink sea water.

Seawater is dangerous for dogs (and people) because of its high salt content. But seawater also contains a lot of sand! Take plenty of fresh water with you to the beach so your dog stays hydrated and doesn't get so thirsty that he drinks sea water. Also, avoid throwing toys into the water for your dog to play fetch with, as this will inevitably lead to him swallowing seawater.

Don't stay on the beach too long.

The longer you stay on the beach, the more sand gets into your dog's system. The beach is great fun for dogs and people alike, so you shouldn't avoid it, but be sensible if you go. Stay there, do some exercise, and then go home for a bath and a nap.

Put a muzzle on your dog.

If your dog is a compulsive eater, walking can be very dangerous! Putting a muzzle on your dog will allow him to breathe properly and protect him from swallowing things that are hazardous to his health, such as sand!

Ask your vet for advice.

If your dog likes to eat sand and other unusual things, he could be suffering from a nutrient deficiency. Talk to your vet to find out if you need to change your dog's diet. Also make sure you give your dog regular deworming tablets.

If you follow these helpful tips, you'll be sure to have a lot of fun on the beach with your dog!

Other risks for your dog on the beach

Dogs love the beach and we love having them with us. To make it a pleasant experience, you should also keep the following risks in mind (in addition to sand pollution and salt water poisoning):

Heat stroke

Since dogs don't sweat like we do, their body temperature can rise dangerously high on a sunny day at the beach. It's best to leave them inside during the hottest part of the day and bring them out in the morning or evening. Always provide shade and fresh, cold water.


Some dogs are at higher risk of sunburn than others. However, hairless breeds and dogs with white fur are more susceptible. It's not safe to share your sunscreen with your dog; Dog sunscreen and shade are a must.

Hot sand

We've all walked barefoot across a sandy beach and had to run as quickly as possible to the water. If the sand is too hot for your feet, it will also be too hot for your dog's paws. Dogs can burn their paws and get blisters on hot sand. It's best to keep your dog away from jellyfish. If your dog does come into contact with it, immediate veterinary attention is required. It can cause acute respiratory distress, dry eyes, urinary retention and cardiac arrest. Swallowing dead jellyfish is likely to cause vomiting."

Strong currents

Many dogs are natural swimmers, but some need to learn to swim. And any dog ​​can be swept away by a strong current. Consider a dog life jacket to keep your dog afloat if he gets into trouble.


Don't let your dog eat wild seaweed on the beach. Dry seaweed can contain toxins, absorb water and swell in the stomach, which can cause constipation and require emergency surgery.

If a beach beckons you and local laws allow your dog to accompany you there - take the time to plan and be a responsible dog owner and it will be a joyful experience for both of you.


If you see your dog eating sand, it can cause serious health problems, especially if he does so frequently. It's important to pay attention to symptoms and consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has eaten sand. To prevent this, you should supervise your dog and keep him away from areas where he has access to sand. However, if your dog eats sand, it's better to act quickly and get him checked by a veterinarian to avoid a potentially life-threatening situation.