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Can dogs eat apples? What you need to know

Can dogs eat apples? What you need to know

For humans, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But what about your furry friend? Can dogs eat apples too? Luckily, your four-legged friend can enjoy these sweet, juicy treats as much as you do. Most dogs love this treat!

Apples are full of nutrients that benefit your dog's health, but there are also dangers to watch out for, such as: B. Kernels and seeds. As with any good thing, moderation is key, as too many apples can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs. Apples should be used as an additional snack and not as a complete meal replacement. If you're unsure about the ratio of dog food to treats, it helps to remember the 90/10 rule. This rule states that 90% of your dog's daily calorie intake should come from dog food; the additional 10% can come from treats.

So next time you're nibbling on an apple and those irresistible puppy dog ​​eyes are staring at you, toss a few pieces your dog's direction. He will love the juicy apple pieces, and you can be sure that apples are not only healthy but also incredibly nutritious for your four-legged friend. Because what could be better than sharing a snack with your best friend?

Are apples a healthy treat for dogs to eat?

Playground, dog, basket of apples,

One thing is certain: only a healthy dog ​​is a happy dog. And as dog lovers, that is our ultimate goal. We rely on our four-legged friends for entertainment, unconditional love and lifelong friendship. They depend on us to keep them healthy and fit. Nutrient-rich treats are a great way to keep your dog's tail wagging. The benefits you get from the large amount of nutrients present in apples are practically inestimable.

Apples are low in protein and calories and offer many health benefits for your dog. When serving your dog an apple, remove the core and seeds, cut it into bite-sized pieces and put them in your dog's bowl.

Ingredients of apples and their benefits for your dog

Below is a list of the key nutritional components in apples and how they keep dogs healthy:


Just like us, calcium is an important mineral that maintains the health of dogs' bones and teeth. Most commercial dog foods contain the right daily amount for your dog. Adding healthy, calcium-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet is never a bad thing.

Calcium not only has a positive effect on bone health, but also strengthens the muscles necessary for proper movement and body functions. It enables healthy growth in puppies and keeps them healthy and active as they age. Let's say you have a pregnant or nursing dog. In this case, adequate calcium intake in your dog's diet is even more important.


High-quality, plant-based fiber should always be at the top of your dog's list of nutritional needs. They help the digestive system break down food and reduce the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria. In addition, healthy fiber helps with both constipation and diarrhea.

Fiber is also important for weight control in dogs. Since obesity is the leading cause of many canine diseases, reducing excess weight is the key to a long and healthy life. Adding more fiber to your dog's food will help your dog feel full faster, even if he eats fewer calories.


Polyphenols are a lesser-known but equally important component of the nutrients in apples. These polyphenols, found only in fruits and vegetables, are the kings of antioxidants. Their job is to detect and destroy the disease-causing free radicals in the body. An excess of free radicals can quickly lead to health problems in your dog, just like in a human.

Dogs are more susceptible than humans to dangerous toxins that only antioxidants can eliminate. Just think about what your dog licks, chews and eats. All of these things can turn your dog's body into a minefield of free radicals. Antioxidants such as polyphenols are important factors that reduce the risk of cancer, heart and bone diseases, among other things. A solid diet that contains polyphenols becomes even more important as your dog ages.


Potassium ensures a balanced fluid balance in the body and strengthens muscles by ensuring healthy muscle growth and function. It improves motor skills, regular heartbeat and blood flow. It also increases metabolism, bone density and cognitive functions. Potassium is a must for any healthy dog ​​diet.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is responsible for good vision and eye health. You've probably noticed that vision loss is a common symptom in many older dogs. But eye health isn't the only positive effect vitamin A has on the body. It promotes average growth and development, strengthens the immune system and improves cellular functions.

vitamin C

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C, working together with polyphenols, are well known and rightly praised. It strengthens the immune system, reduces cognitive decline in older dogs and rids the body of cancer-causing free radicals. Although the dog's body supplies vitamin C, physical and emotional stress can reduce the growth rate and the amount of reserves.

Which apple ingredients are suitable for dogs?

Can dogs eat apples with peel?

Dogs can eat apples with the peel still on. It offers additional benefits for dogs and should not cause digestive problems. Of course, you should always wash unpeeled fruit before feeding it to dogs, just like we do with ourselves. Toxins can be particularly harmful to a dog's rather delicate body.

Can dogs eat applesauce?

Yes, dogs can safely eat plain applesauce! But applesauce usually contains added sugar, so always choose unsweetened applesauce and give it in moderation. You can freeze applesauce in ice cube trays and share it with your dog after a long walk or on a hot summer day.

How many apples can dogs eat?

Dog, basket with apples

Your dog probably loves nibbling on apples, but don't let him eat too many of them. An excess of apples can give your dog stomach aches or diarrhea, so always serve them in moderation. One or two apple slices are enough to satisfy your dog's cravings.

Puppies can eat apples too. If you've never given them apples before, start with a small amount, such as a slice or a small cube. Observe them to make sure they don't have an allergic reaction. Pay attention to whether they develop digestive problems such as vomiting or diarrhea after eating the apple. Avoid overfeeding. If your dog develops health problems as a result, you must stop giving him apples and must contact your veterinarian immediately.

How to Safely Prepare Apples for Dogs

Note: Do not feed the apple seeds or core to a dog as they contain a small amount of cyanide and may pose a choking hazard.

First, wash and scrub your apples to remove bacteria and germs. Like many other fruits and vegetables, supermarket apples are treated with pesticides, which is why rinsing is particularly important.

Keep the seeds far, far away from your beloved dog: The seeds contain a small amount of cyanide, a poison that can harm your dog in large doses. The hard apple core and stem can also choke your dog. If your dog eats an apple core or seeds, watch for signs of digestive problems such as constipation.

It's best to cut apples into slices or small cubes so that your dog can eat them quickly. If you peel the apple, it will be easier for your dog to digest and he will get less fiber.

And remember: Just because dogs love apples doesn't mean they can eat apple pie. For example, if your dog eats an apple pie with nutmeg, which contains a toxin called myristicin, he could have problems. In small doses, nutmeg can cause mild gastrointestinal distress. In large quantities it can cause hallucinations, high blood pressure, seizures and, in the worst case scenario, death of your dog.

How to feed apples to dogs

Many dogs love the satisfying crunch and taste of this cool snack. Of course, dogs love eating apples raw, but you can also make apple treats with dog-friendly apple recipes.

The easiest way to make roasted apple chips for dogs is to bake thinly sliced ​​(and cored) apple slices at 350 degrees for two hours until completely crispy.

One of our favorite recipes is apple pretzels for dogs, an easy recipe with just three ingredients.

Treat: Apple pretzels for dogs

These three-ingredient pretzels are an easy-to-make, healthy snack that your dog will love.


  • 360 grams of almond flour
  • 1 egg
  • 8 ounces plain, unsweetened applesauce


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
  2. Line a baking sheet with baking paper
  3. Crack the egg
  4. Mix applesauce and almond flour in a large bowl.
  5. Pour 1 tablespoon of the egg into a bowl
  6. Pour the remaining egg into the bowl with the mixed ingredients.
  7. Stir the mixture until a dough forms.
  8. Take a two-tablespoon piece of dough and roll it into a tube.
  9. Take each tube and shape it into a "U," then twist the ends together and fold it up to form a pretzel.
  10. Place the pretzels on the baking sheet.
  11. Brush the top of each pretzel with the remaining egg.
  12. Bake until lightly browned and firm, about 25-30 minutes.
  13. Remove them from the oven and let them cool before serving.


Dogs can eat apples and it's even a healthy treat for them. Apples are a good source of nutrients such as calcium and fiber, which are important for dogs' health. However, it is important to ensure that dogs do not eat cores or seeds from apples as these can be poisonous and moderation in the amount of apples is also important as too many can lead to gastrointestinal problems. The 90/10 rule can help balance the ratio of dog food to treats. With the cores and seeds removed, apples can serve as an additional snack to promote the health and well-being of dogs.

Further links and information

There are some reputable sites where you can find out whether dogs can eat apples. Some recommended sites include the website of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA - https://www.aspca.org/ ), the website of the American Kennel Club (AKC - https://www.akc.org / ) and the PetMD website ( https://www.petmd.com/) . When researching on the Internet or other sources, it is important to pay attention to reputable sources and compare them carefully in order to make an informed decision. However, the best and safest way to find out whether your dog can eat apples or not is still to go to the vet and consult in person.