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Dog Stomach Intestine: What to Feed a Dog with an Upset Stomach

Dog Stomach Intestine: What to Feed a Dog with an Upset Stomach

Upset stomach in dogs is common, and most pet owners have to deal with it at some point. Changing your diet is crucial to solving this problem. Now the question arises: So what should you feed a dog with an upset stomach and what should you avoid?

In this blog post we will give you some important tips on what to feed your dog if he is suffering from an upset stomach. We'll also discuss which foods you should avoid to promote your dog's well-being. Read on to find out how you can give your dog a speedy recovery.

Causes and Symptoms of Upset Stomach in Dogs

Dog, sick

An upset stomach is a general term for many digestive problems in dogs that are not chronic. Suppose your dog has diarrhea, vomiting or nausea very often. In this case, you need to make sure your dog doesn't have another serious medical condition. An upset stomach can be a symptom of both mild and serious health problems.

Minor problems are often a temporary upset stomach that has to do with what the dog recently ate - a minor gastrointestinal problem. It may also be related to your dog having a sensitive stomach or suffering from food allergies, which are very common in dogs.

Serious problems can also cause an upset stomach, but often also have other symptoms that are difficult to ignore. This can include constant diarrhea and vomiting, bloody stools, loss of appetite and much more. Talk to your veterinarian if you notice additional symptoms or if your dog's upset stomach doesn't go away after several days.

Suppose your four-legged friend has an upset stomach and only shows the symptoms occasionally. In this case, you know your dog doesn't have another problem. It's likely an upset stomach, usually caused by something your dog ate and couldn't tolerate. Proper nutrition and knowing what to feed a dog with an upset stomach will help you resolve the problem or relieve symptoms.

What to Feed a Dog with an Upset Stomach

Dog eating

Upset stomachs in dogs are very common. Some medications and supplements, both prescription and over-the-counter, can relieve symptoms. However, to help your dog in the long term, you need to address the real problem - your dog's diet. The diet of dogs with upset stomachs can be changed with commercial food or a home-cooked meal.

There are several sensitive stomach foods that are often recommended for dogs with upset stomachs. You can also prepare dog food yourself for dogs with upset stomachs. Both options are acceptable. So what should you feed a dog with an upset stomach and what foods should you avoid?

Dietary guidelines

The first thing you do to help your dog overcome his stomach problems is to fast him for 12 hours or a full day.

Since his stomach is trying to get rid of the bad things he's eaten, it may be beneficial to not put anything else in his stomach and allow the body to deal with it. Your dog will do great if he fasts for a day. Short fasts have been shown to be safe for dogs. In a study of 20 dogs being treated for cancer, scientists found that fasting helped with vomiting and diarrhea and posed no danger to the dogs.

Another thing to watch out for is dehydration. Dehydration is a real danger for your dog if he has diarrhea or vomiting. So make sure that your four-legged friend drinks enough fluids.

Once your dog's stomach has calmed down a bit after fasting, you can feed him again. Feed the dog a bland diet that won't upset his stomach again. Start with a few teaspoons of food, and if your animal can tolerate it, feed it small portions more and more often. It's best to feed him smaller meals 4-5 times a day for the next week.

How to structure your dog's diet

Only feed your dog with an upset stomach low-fat foods until his stomach calms down. After a week he can gradually start eating his normal food.

Bland food

What do you feed a dog with an upset stomach? A very low-fat diet is the answer. Just remember, you shouldn't feed your dog a bland diet unless you're sure he's suffering from a mild digestive problem or you don't know the cause of his upset stomach. Your dog could have eaten something poisonous, then a bland diet won't help. As mentioned, you should also pay attention to other signs and symptoms.

If something is wrong, you should take your dog to the vet before giving him such a diet, and remember that this is only a short-term solution. If none of these signs are present, you can try a bland diet.

You can only feed a bland diet temporarily.

You can't do it for a long period of time because it's not balanced. There is a lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your dog needs on a regular basis. However, a bland diet will provide enough calories and energy sources for up to a week until your dog feels better again without putting any further strain on the stomach.

A bland diet for dogs with upset stomachs consists of low-fat foods. Typically, this means mixing a low-fat protein source like chicken breast or turkey with rice. You can also make scrambled eggs as they are a good source of protein. Below are some tips for feeding dogs with upset stomachs using a low-fat diet.

Foods to feed

Include rice in your dog's diet during and after the attack. Rice can soothe your dog's stomach if he has an upset stomach because it is a mild food. Choose white rice for an upset stomach and brown rice for your dog's regular diet as it has higher nutritional value.

Lean poultry meat

Choose lean poultry meat as a good source of protein, as this is usually best for a dog with an upset stomach. During a seizure, it's best to choose boneless, skinless cooked chicken breasts, but turkey is also suitable.

When it comes to vegetables, pumpkin and sweet potato are beneficial for your dog's diet during the attack and afterward. These vegetables provide lots of fiber, which can regulate your dog's digestive system and help with intestinal problems. Canned pumpkin is probably a better choice if your dog has an upset stomach. It has a low glycemic index, meaning it is absorbed slowly and thus helps with digestion.


If your dog has an upset stomach, give your dog some yogurt (one to two tablespoons) to eat as it can calm the stomach. The probiotics in yogurt can also help restore the good bacteria in your dog's gut and keep his digestive tract in good working order. However, it's unlikely that yogurt contains enough probiotic cultures to make a difference. Instead, you can use probiotic supplements to improve your dog's intestinal flora.

Certain low-acid fruits can also help with an upset stomach. Include some bananas in your dog's diet. They are a good source of vitamin C, potassium and bland food. As an additional source of electrolytes, bananas also keep your dog's fluid balance in check.

Ginger has long been used for stomach problems. Small amounts of ginger can soothe your dog's stomach and relieve him of gas and bloating. Ginger is safe for dogs and is often used for other health problems.

A little bone broth is perfect for feeding your dog part of a bland diet and will help him stay hydrated while settling his stomach. Bone broth or chicken broth is often used as an additive in water for dogs that refuse to drink because its smell is tempting to pets.

Foods to avoid

Pumpkin is suitable for your dog, but only use fresh or canned pumpkin. Avoid pumpkin pie mixes or anything with additives. You don't want to feed your dog spices if he has an upset stomach. You should also avoid spices in your dog's meals while on a regular diet.

Avoid dairy products (except plain, unsweetened yogurt in small quantities) and cheese, as most are high in fat. Even if you choose to feed low-fat cheese, save it for later when your dog's stomach is feeling better. Until then, stick to a low-fat diet.

For the same reason, you should avoid fish during a seizure. Although most fish are healthy, they contain a lot of fat and can irritate your dog's stomach even more. Avoid highly acidic foods, including vegetables and fruits with high acid content. Citrus fruits like oranges or lemons are generally off-limits if your dog has an upset stomach.

Please do not feed your dog human or processed food if he has digestive problems. No table waste and no snacks.

Nutrients and their role

If you have an upset stomach, it's important to give your dog a balanced diet, as this will help prevent stomach problems in the future. After you stop feeding the bland diet after about a week, you need to provide your dog with all the necessary nutrients to get his diet back under control.


Protein is important because it is the best source of energy for your four-legged friend. However, if he often suffers from an upset stomach, then you should stick to lean protein sources such as ground turkey, chicken breast, low-fat fish and lean beef.

In rare cases, these protein sources can upset some dogs' stomachs. Then you need to look for new protein foods and discuss this with your vet to develop a new diet plan.


Please keep your dog away from fatty foods during an upset stomach. Once your dog's stomach has stabilized, you should no longer give him food that is too fatty. If you give him commercial dog food, check the label to see if it contains fats and oils in large quantities. Aim for 10-15 percent fat in your dog's diet.

However, healthy fats are not only good, they are also important for dogs. When cooking for your dog after an upset stomach, it's best to stick to fish like salmon or herring. They are a good source of lean protein, contain no carbohydrates and are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties, among other things.


Probably the most important nutrient for your dog's digestive system is fiber. Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables, especially sweet potatoes and pumpkin. But fiber can also have the opposite effect. Giving your dog too much can upset his stomach and cause diarrhea or constipation. So be careful not to feed too much fiber, especially if your dog is prone to stomach upset, as this can mess up his digestive system even more. Balance is crucial here.

Vitamins and minerals

Many vitamins are vital for dogs. Like the fiber, the vitamins and minerals when feeding home-cooked food are mainly supplied through vegetables and fruit. They are important for your dog's health. However, most vitamin sources should be avoided during an upset stomach if you are feeding a bland diet. During this time, stick only to carrots and gradually reintroduce other fruits and vegetables after the light diet phase.

A closer look at specific foods for your dog's stomach

We've already talked about the importance of a bland diet for upset stomachs in dogs. We have also mentioned some ingredients like rice, carrots and bananas that are great. Take a closer look at these and other foods that are gentle on your dog's digestive tract:

bone broth

As a pet owner, you can prepare bone broth for your dog. It is nutritious and because it is liquid, it is one of the bland foods that are gentle on your four-legged friend's stomach. You can also try mixing some bone broth into your dog's food if he doesn't want to eat it. (Keep in mind that regular dry food is not ideal for a dog with digestive issues). To make your own bone broth, you need a large pot, water, and lots of marrow bones.

Chicken and turkey legs are good choices. Simply place the bones in the pot, add a few inches of water, cover, and let it cook over low heat. You let them steep for 20 to 24 hours before letting them cool in the fridge for a few hours. The broth becomes jelly-like and liquefies when heated. Just be careful not to heat them too much, as this can harm your dog.

Rice with boiled chicken

Cooked chicken is a simple and healthy ingredient that you can give your dog at any time, especially when his digestive system is not doing well. It is important that you only cook the chicken and that you do not add any spices, oil or butter during the cooking process.

The cooked rice is also gentle on your dog's stomach. You don't even have to give your dog cooked rice along with the chicken if he's not feeling well. A little shredded chicken may be enough to keep him happy until your poor dog's stomach feels better. Just remember that it has to be unseasoned.


Pumpkin is one of the best suggestions for dogs suffering from an upset stomach. This is due to its high fiber content and the fact that it contains many vitamins and minerals. For example, it contains vitamins A and C, potassium, riboflavin, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron, folic acid, magnesium and more. When feeding pumpkin for an upset stomach, the same warning applies as with chicken. Don't add any spices to it. If you are preparing the pumpkin yourself, make sure to remove the peel and seeds. An alternative is to buy canned pumpkins. Just make sure you buy canned pumpkin without any additives. Whatever you buy for your dog's symptoms should not contain sugar or spices. These can make your dog's problems worse rather than better.

Boiled, pureed carrots

Another good food to eat if your dog suffers from an upset stomach is carrots. In this case, you should prepare them properly, which means you have to cook and puree them first. This is a good choice for an upset stomach because pureed, cooked carrots contain vitamin C, K, fiber and are a bland food.

Mashed sweet potato

Sweet potato is another excellent option that is packed with nutrients. Like carrots and pumpkin, they are also rich in fiber. You need to boil the sweet potatoes and then puree them. Don't season them. Always allow mashed sweet potatoes, carrots, or other foods to cool before giving them to your dog.


Eggs are another option that you probably don't have to go to the grocery store for. As always, it is important that they are not too fatty. Do not cook them with oil or butter or add spices or salt. Instead, you boil the eggs and puree them. You can also make scrambled eggs, but make sure to use as little oil as possible, preferably none at all.


Just like you can eat oatmeal for a few days when you have an upset stomach, your dog can also have this food. Like some of the products on this list, it is high in soluble fiber, which can help control diarrhea.

baby food

Veterinarians often recommend giving your dog baby food if he has stomach problems. This is because it is easy to digest and swallow. You can choose baby foods with sweet potatoes or pumpkin, but make sure they don't contain any additives.

How to know when you need veterinary advice

If your dog has gastrointestinal problems, it is not always necessary to see the vet. However, you should take him to the vet immediately if you notice any of the following:

  • Constant vomiting
  • Persistent diarrhea
  • Blood in the stool
  • Dehydration
  • Belching
  • A bloated stomach
  • Uncontrollable drooling

These are more serious symptoms that may indicate a more complicated problem. In this case, you will need to have your dog examined by your veterinarian and seek veterinary advice.

Frequently asked questions about food for digestive problems in dogs

If you still have questions about your dog's upset stomach, from general signs to why he eats grass, the answers below should help you.

Should you feed a dog with an upset stomach?

Yes, it would help if you feed dogs with upset stomachs. After all, they still need nutrients. But you should only give them foods that are gentle on their digestive tract. Examples include pumpkin, cooked meat and cottage cheese.

Are scrambled eggs good for a dog's upset stomach?

Scrambled eggs are good for your dog's well-being. They calm your dog's stomach. They contain many nutrients, including protein and essential amino and fatty acids. Just remember not to season the eggs or add butter. These additives will make your poor dog feel even worse.

Can you give milk to a dog with an upset stomach?

You may be able to give milk to a dog with an upset stomach, but that shouldn't be your first step. Because many dogs have lactose intolerance. Giving them milk would only make their upset stomach worse.


In summary, it is important to know that an upset stomach in dogs should be taken seriously and a gentle diet is the key to the dog's speedy recovery. A light diet with easily digestible ingredients such as cooked chicken, rice and vegetables as well as small, frequent meals are recommended. Probiotics can help restore the balance of intestinal flora and calm the gastrointestinal tract, while certain foods such as fatty meats, dairy products, bones, spices, onions, garlic and chocolate should be avoided. However, it is important to note that every dog ​​may react differently to certain foods and treatments. If the dog's condition worsens or shows other symptoms, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. However, with the right care and diet, you can help your dog recover quickly and be healthy and happy again soon.