
Great tuber - How healthy is the sweet potato really for our dogs?

Great tuber - How healthy is the sweet potato really for our dogs?

Great tuber - how healthy are sweet potatoes really for our dogs?

Regardless of whether you feed ready-made food, cook for your dog or BARF, you have probably already stumbled upon the sweet potato as a potential vegetable component in the dog's diet. But what's behind the hype about the tuber? Is she really that great? We have researched and don't want to withhold the following from you...

The first question that needs to be answered in this regard is of course this: Can dogs eat sweet potatoes?

The answer is a resounding YES .

The root vegetable is a common ingredient in many dog ​​foods. Dogs can generally digest sweet potatoes well as long as they are cooked and not raw.

Now find out the healthiest way to feed your dog sweet potatoes so that he can benefit the most from them.

What is a sweet potato?

Food, sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes originated in the Americas and became a staple in the 15th century with the arrival of Christopher Columbus. Enamored with its taste, Columbus eventually brought the orange potato back to Spain. From the 16th century onwards it quickly dominated European gardens.

Although sweet potatoes have become very popular recently, you're probably still more used to potatoes. However, sweet potatoes contain more fiber and vitamins C and A than regular potatoes.


Sweet potatoes have different effects on your dog's body depending on whether and how they are cooked. Here's a look at the different ways to prepare sweet potatoes and whether or not they are suitable for dogs.

Raw sweet potatoes for dogs? YES

Food, sweet potatoes

Raw sweet potatoes are not poisonous for dogs because - unlike ordinary potatoes - they do not belong to the nightshade family (keyword solanine). However, sweet potatoes contain something called oxalic acid, so dogs suffering from kidney disease should not be given raw sweet potatoes. You may also experience indigestion if your dog eats raw sweet potatoes.

In general, it is better to cook or boil and puree the sweet potato for your dog. This is how he benefits the most from it.

Boiled sweet potatoes: Yes

Boiling is probably the healthiest way to prepare sweet potatoes for your dog. The skin and flesh of the potatoes become soft, some of the starch is broken down and the antioxidants and other nutrients can be digested more easily. However, remove the peel before feeding it to your dog as it is difficult to digest.

Cooked sweet potatoes also have a lower glycemic index than roasted sweet potatoes. This means that they are less likely to cause your dog's blood sugar levels to rise.

Even if you bake sweet potatoes for yourself until they're tender, you can share them with your dog - but don't add any butter, salt, pepper or sugar.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes: No

Food, Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Sweet Potatoes

If you're thinking about sharing sweet potato fries with your dog, think again. Deep frying is one of the unhealthiest ways to prepare a food.

Fried sweet potatoes are full of unhealthy fats that can lead to pancreatitis if our dogs eat them in large quantities. Fried foods are also linked to various types of cancer in humans.

While we dog owners may still choose fried foods, our dogs can't make an informed decision - we have to decide for them .

Possible Health Benefits of Sweet Potato for Dogs

If you prepare them correctly - by simmering, baking or boiling them without seasoning or over-baking them - sweet potatoes can be an excellent snack for your furry friend. The sweet potato also cuts a fine figure as a vegetable when BARFING or cooking.

The following nutrients are contained in sweet potatoes:

Vitamin C: This antioxidant helps support your dog's immune system. Your dog's body normally produces enough vitamin C on its own, so it's not considered an essential nutrient. However, an additional dose may help older dogs and dogs with weakened immune systems.

Vitamin B6: This essential nutrient helps your dog's body produce proteins, hormones and neurotransmitters.

Beta-carotene: Your dog's body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, an important nutrient that helps his skin, coat, nerves, and muscles function properly. This nutrient is also abundant in mango, papaya, carrots and pumpkin for dogs.

Calcium: This mineral is important for healthy growth. But even if your dog is already an adult, he needs calcium to support his bones, muscles and nervous system.

Potassium: As an electrolyte, potassium helps keep your dog's heart, nerves, and muscles functioning properly. It also helps him maintain healthy energy levels.

How should I prepare them for my dog?

If you want to feed your dog sweet potato, make sure it is cooked and the peel has been removed. If you leave the peel on, the sweet potato will be harder for your dog to digest. You should not feed your dog raw sweet potato. Raw sweet potatoes are difficult to digest and can upset your dog's stomach and cause intestinal blockage. Some dogs are known to "inhale" their food. So make sure the sweet potato has a soft consistency to reduce the risk of choking.

How much can a dog eat?

As with any other food, moderation is key. The amount you give your dog should depend on various factors, e.g. B. depending on your dog's size, activity and general health. Too much of a good thing can lead to bone and muscle weakness due to too much vitamin A.

Carbohydrates, such as Some foods, such as sweet potatoes, should not be your dog's main source of food; Animal protein should also be on the menu every day. If you want to introduce a new food, talk to your veterinarian or canine nutritionist first. If he gives the go-ahead, start with a small amount to see how your dog reacts.


Every time you give your dog a new food, there is a risk that he will not tolerate it well. Sweet potatoes are considered safe for dogs in the short term. The long-term effects of feeding sweet potatoes to dogs are not yet well understood.

Digestive problems

Any new food can cause stomach upset, vomiting, or diarrhea, especially if you feed it in large quantities. Fruits and vegetables are even more susceptible to such reactions because of their high fiber content.

Always introduce a new food in small amounts and just a few bites. If your dog is not used to a high-fiber diet, support his digestive system with probiotics and pumpkin for dogs.

Risk of raw sweet potatoes: intestinal constipation

It's important to reiterate: feeding raw sweet potatoes to dogs can cause intestinal blockage. If you notice any of the above-mentioned signs of intestinal blockage, see your vet immediately.

High glycemic index

Cooking sweet potatoes can lower their glycemic index, but it remains high compared to many other fruits and vegetables. This isn't a problem for healthy dogs, but if you have a diabetic dog or your dog suffers from obesity, you should stay away from this orange vegetable.


Food, Sweet Potatoes

In the short term, dogs can eat sweet potatoes. These vegetables contain nutrients that are good for your dog's body and pose few short-term risks. Like all new foods, sweet potatoes can cause stomach upset if you include them in your dog's diet. Start by feeding small amounts of this food - and only give your dog a few bites at a time - plus you can support your dog's digestive system with probiotics.