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Can dogs eat celery? Everything you need to know

Can dogs eat celery? Everything you need to know

The question “Can dogs eat celery?” concerns many dog ​​owners. Each of us has heard that you shouldn't feed your four-legged friend food from the table. But if you're like 59 percent of dog owners, you've ignored this advice and given your dog a few leftovers every now and then.

When it comes to feeding your dog from your plate, some foods are better than others. You may know that foods like onions and chocolate are off limits. But what about vegetables? For example, is celery good for dogs? Read on to learn more about how celery affects your dog so you can decide for yourself whether or not to feed it.

Can dogs eat celery?

dog, pet

Yes, dogs can eat celery because it can be a snack that provides them with various nutrients. In general, celery is a safe food for dogs.

However, there are some small limitations: For example, it can pose a choking hazard for young or small dogs. That's why it's important to cut it into small enough pieces before sharing the celery with them.

Some dog owners are also concerned about pesticide contamination from celery, especially if they feed their dog the leaves. The leaves may contain more pesticides and other chemicals than the rest of the plant. As long as they are washed carefully, you shouldn't have to worry. You can also remove the leaves and just feed the stem if you're worried. Of course, we recommend feeding organic vegetables whenever possible.

As with other foods, it's best to introduce celery into your dog's diet slowly. This will help you avoid any potential adverse reactions and allow you to see how it works before feeding it regularly.

Is celery good for dogs?

Celery, vegetables

Okay, now you know that dogs can eat celery and that it is safe for them. But you may be wondering whether feeding celery has any health benefits for your dog. Finally, a particular food can be safe without being particularly healthful (see, for example, donuts and ice cream for dogs - safe but not healthy!)

The good news is that celery provides some unique nutritional benefits for your dog.

The benefits of feeding dogs celery include the following:

Low calorie treat

People often snack on celery when they want to lose weight because it is low in calories.

If you have a dog that needs to lose a few pounds, or if you're concerned about his weight for any reason, celery as a snack is a good option. He gets something crunchy and filling, but he doesn't take in a lot of extra calories.


Celery is packed with many beneficial vitamins. These include vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A as well as potassium and folic acid. Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting and keeps your dog's bones strong and healthy. Vitamin C is good for the immune system and can help the body adapt to stress in a better and healthier way. Vitamin A is good for your dog's vision and for the health of his skin, muscles and nervous system. The nutrients can therefore help support your dog's overall health.


Celery is not only a good source of vitamins, but also contains some important minerals. For example, it provides your dog with much-needed zinc. Zinc strengthens your dog's immune system, promotes digestion and can support your dog's cognitive functions. Celery also contains the mineral manganese. Manganese helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels, reduces inflammation and promotes bone health.


Celery is known to contain a healthy dose of potassium. It contains almost as much potassium as a banana. Potassium is an electrolyte that helps your dog stay hydrated and prevent muscle cramps. Adequate potassium intake can help with blood pressure, heart and kidney problems. If you are concerned about your dog's cardiovascular system or kidneys, it may be useful to give him a little celery. Talk to your vet about medications and tests to manage these problems.

High water content

Not only does celery contain electrolytes that maintain your dog's water balance, but it is also a vegetable with a very high water content. This means it can help your dog get extra water without having to go to the water bowl again. Giving your dog celery regularly, especially during the hot summer months, can ensure he stays hydrated. This means he still feels comfortable even when he's walking around outside in the heat.


Celery contains many antioxidants, including vitamin E (found primarily in the leaves). Antioxidants are important for minimizing inflammation and helping your dog fight off disease. Dogs are less susceptible to oxidative stress when they eat a diet rich in antioxidants. This can protect them from chronic diseases, including serious illnesses like cancer and arthritis.


Feeding your dog celery is also an easy way to make sure he's getting enough fiber. Fiber is important for good digestion and helps your dog avoid stomach problems. Fiber can also help your dog feel fuller for longer. This is particularly important for overweight dogs or if you want to help your four-legged friend lose a few extra pounds. You can give him celery as a snack. This helps them feel full without having to worry about exceeding their daily calorie intake. Since celery is high in fiber, it's best to only give your dog a small amount at a time. If he eats too much at once, he may experience diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Can celery treat bad breath in dogs?

Celery is known to freshen dogs' breath. This is probably more appreciated by dog ​​owners than the dogs themselves. Just remember that celery is not a substitute for toothpaste when it comes to dental hygiene. And you shouldn't use it on your dog this way on a regular basis. It's sort of the canine equivalent of a peppermint.

How to feed your dog celery

Celery can be a healthy part of your dog's diet. It's not always easy to get your dog to try new things, especially if those things are green. If you're looking for ways to feed your dog celery, try these tips:

Refine with peanut butter

If you're like most people, you love slathering your celery with a little peanut butter. That may even be the only way you can digest it. Your dog may feel the same way. If you want to give your dog celery but are worried about him turning up his nose, you can add some peanut butter. Keep the amount small, especially if your dog is on a diet. Peanut butter is a very high-fat and high-calorie food. Make sure the peanut butter (or food) does not contain the artificial sweetener xylitol. Xylitol is highly toxic (even fatal) to dogs.

Mix it into your dog's food

You can also chop or puree the celery and mix it with the other food. Start by mixing in just a small amount. This will ensure that your dog does not have any adverse reactions to the celery. If he tolerates it well and likes it, you can try adding a little more. But take your time and start slowly. Remember that your dog can have too much of a good thing.

Combine it with another treat

Finally, you can try combining the celery with another treat. If your dog has a favorite snack that you would like to make a little more nutritious, you can add a piece of celery. This way he can still enjoy his treat. At the same time, it receives additional vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Getting your kids to eat vegetables might mean tricking your dog, too. As long as he eats it, it doesn't matter how he gets it.

When is celery bad for dogs?

We looked intensively into the topic “Can dogs eat celery?” busy. But can celery be harmful to dogs even if it's full of vitamins and minerals? The answer is: yes. You can have too much of a good thing! Additionally, the way you serve celery to your dog can affect how safe it is for him. There are two main concerns when it comes to celery:

The salt content in celery

One problem with celery is its salt content. Although it is low compared to many of the junk foods we humans eat, the salt content of celery is surprisingly high compared to other vegetables. In the short term, the salt content of celery shouldn't be a problem because dogs are very good at excreting excess sodium in their urine. However, in the long term, the high sodium content can cause serious problems. We know that too much salt causes high blood pressure, but it can also put a lot of strain on the kidneys that process the salt. Limiting yourself to small, rare treats can help prevent your dog from consuming too much salt.

Danger of choking from celery

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, another danger is your dog choking, especially small dogs. Celery is firm and fibrous and can pose a choking hazard to dogs if served in large pieces. It's best to cut the celery into small, bite-sized pieces before feeding it to your four-legged friend.

Can puppies eat celery?

So we have the question “Can dogs eat celery?” answered and know that dogs can eat celery, but what about puppies? Puppies are an area where it's often not worth experimenting with food. As a puppy, your dog is much more sensitive to all foods, and they haven't been eating and digesting solid foods for as long. In order to give your four-legged friend the best start in life, a lot of time and effort was put into the right composition of the puppy's food. Always talk to your vet before giving your puppy anything new, no matter how harmless it seems.

Can dogs eat celery leaves?

We know they can eat the stems, but can dogs eat celery leaves? Celery leaves reportedly contain a much higher concentration of nutrients than the more commonly consumed stalks. This could be beneficial for a dog with vitamin deficiencies. However, there is no solid research on this topic for dogs. Celery leaves are said to have a pepper-like spiciness, similar to other leaves, e.g. E.g. arugula. This spiciness could prove unpleasant for dogs. Based on the available evidence, you can eliminate celery leaves from your dog's diet until we know more.

Raw or Cooked - Which Form of Celery is Best for Dogs?

Celery is a healthy and nutritious vegetable that can also be beneficial for dogs. When it comes to feeding celery, the question often arises as to whether it is better to give it raw or cooked.

One benefit of raw celery is that it contains more nutrients than cooked celery. When vegetables are cooked, some of the vitamins and minerals are often lost. Raw celery also contains fiber, which helps promote digestion and can clean the dog's teeth. Additionally, chewing raw celery can satisfy the dog's need to chew and nibble, which can help reduce unwanted chewing of objects.

However, raw celery also has some disadvantages. Some dogs may have difficulty digesting raw celery because it can be difficult to digest and can cause digestive problems such as bloating or diarrhea in some dogs.

Cooked celery has the advantage of being softer and easier to digest than raw celery. This can be beneficial for dogs with sensitive stomachs or digestive problems. Cooked celery is also easier to portion and process because it is softer and can be cut into smaller pieces. However, cooking celery loses some nutrients and can change the vegetable's flavor and texture. Another disadvantage of cooked celery is that it is less chewy than raw celery. This can cause frustration for dogs who like to chew and nibble.

Ultimately, whether raw or cooked celery is better depends on the dog's preference and tolerance. Both cooked and raw celery are safe for dogs.

Can dogs eat raw celery sticks?

You can feed your dog raw celery in small amounts, but you should not offer it as "sticks" as they pose a choking hazard to your dog. As we have emphasized in this article, you should make sure to cut the celery into smaller pieces before feeding it to your dog.

Can dogs drink celery juice?

There is a lot of debate among people about whether celery juice is better than eating celery stalks. The same discussion could be had for dogs and celery. Juicing celery would remove fiber. However, you also use large amounts of celery to make a concentrated juice that may contain too much salt for your dog.

Moderation is also important here. It's fine to give your dog a few sips every now and then, but water should be your dog's go-to thirst quencher, not celery juice.

Can dogs eat celery with cheese or cream cheese?

Assume your dog is not lactose intolerant and only gets small amounts. In this case, these foods may not be harmful in small quantities. You generally shouldn't feed your dog processed foods like Cheese Whiz or cream cheese because they may contain additives. They have a higher fat content than other cheeses and can cause an upset stomach in your dog. For more information, see our article on cheese.

Can dogs eat celery with dips like hummus?

Cooked, pureed, pure chickpeas can be fed to your dog. But in general, you shouldn't give your four-legged friend a dip because these products are processed. They may also contain additives like salt, and hummus contains traditional ingredients like onions, garlic, olive oil and lemon juice that are harmful to your dog.

What vegetables can dogs eat besides celery?

In addition to celery, there are other vegetables that are suitable for dogs and can provide them with health benefits.

If you're not sure what other vegetables you can feed your dog, this list is for you. Here are some other vegetables for dogs that are good for their diet:

  • Pumpkins and pumpkin puree
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • White potatoes
  • sweet potatoes
  • asparagus
  • green salads
  • fennel

Many fruits are also safe for dogs to eat. For example, you can enjoy apples, berries and pears.


In summary, dogs can eat celery and it may even provide them with health benefits. Celery contains many vitamins and nutrients that can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. However, it is important to feed celery in moderation and make sure it is washed well and served in an appropriate form (cooked or raw). Additionally, certain varieties should be avoided, such as wild celery or celery with high amounts of oil. It is always advisable to speak to a veterinarian before feeding celery to ensure it is suitable for the specific dog. Overall, celery can be a healthy and tasty snack for dogs that offers a change from traditional treats.