Hund mit Popcorn: Dürfen Hunde Popcorn essen?

Can dogs eat popcorn? We clarify

Can dogs eat popcorn? We clarify


As you curl up on the couch to watch your favorite movie with your dog, you might be tempted to share your bowl of popcorn with him. The quick answer to the question of whether dogs can eat popcorn is: maybe. In its plain form, with no butter, salt or toffee coating, and when fully popped, popcorn is safe for dogs to eat.

However, very few of us eat popcorn that is not coated with sugar or butter. So we should ask ourselves: Can dogs eat popcorn with caramel or popcorn with butter? Because the corn itself is not the problem.

Corn contains some valuable vitamins and minerals. And small amounts in your dog's diet are not a nutritional disaster. We look at the different ways to make popcorn, including microwave corn. And we'll help you decide whether and how you can incorporate popcorn into your dog's diet.

What exactly is popcorn?

Popcorn is a type of corn kernel. When heated, it puffs up and expands. Some people buy it in packets after it has grown, but others prefer to make their own popcorn at home. Popcorn is a popular snack at the cinema, but is also becoming increasingly popular as a general treat.

Origin and history

The history of popcorn (popped corn kernels) goes back thousands of years in America. And it is still a trendy snack today. We like to spoil our best friends with what we ourselves crave. But can dogs eat popcorn?

Can dogs eat popcorn?

Basic considerations for feeding dogs

Like many human foods, popcorn can be good and bad for dogs. It contains some nutrients, but also additives and calories that are not good for your dog's health in the long term. While popcorn is not poisonous, it does pose some dangers that you should be aware of when sharing this treat with your dog.

So is popcorn bad for dogs?

When is popcorn bad for dogs?

Can dogs tolerate popcorn?

The popcorn that most of us love to eat contains a lot of salt, butter and other sweet and savory flavors. Although it tastes incredibly good, it's not perfect for us. And it's not suitable for dogs either. The fatty butter is densely packed with calories. Giving your dog too much at once or feeding him popcorn regularly can lead to intestinal upset and obesity. Added salt and sweeteners can also cause health problems for your dog.

What are the risks of feeding popcorn to dogs?

Another aspect is that the hard popcorn kernels can damage your dog's teeth. If you're not careful, your dog can accidentally break his teeth on the popcorn kernels or choke on them. That's why it's best not to feed him hard grains.

But if the answer to the question of whether dogs can eat popcorn kernels is no, can they even eat popcorn? Is it safe?

When is popcorn good for dogs?

Plain, unsalted, air-popped popcorn in moderation can be seen as a positive addition to your dog's diet in some ways.

What's so good about plain, unsalted, air-popped popcorn? It contains fiber and some vitamins and minerals useful for dogs, such as zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. But the fact is that your dog already gets everything he needs from his complete food or raw diet.

It's clear that most of us find plain popcorn much less tasty than buttered or flavored popcorn, but it's definitely a healthy alternative if you want to share it! So popcorn isn't bad for dogs, but it's also not suitable for them and it doesn't give them anything they don't already get.

Popcorn, dog

What Types of Popcorn Are Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Can dogs eat salted popcorn?

Salt poisoning is a real problem for dogs. However, research shows that adding salt to dog food isn't as bad for dogs if they get enough fresh water to drink. Although dogs can self-regulate and drink more water if they consume a little more salt, in the long run it is better not to give them extra salt. Dogs get enough salt and other nutrients if they are fed a balanced dog food from the start. So salty popcorn is not a good treat for dogs.

Can dogs eat buttered popcorn?

Mmmmh... buttery popcorn that melts in your mouth. What's not to love about it? As much as we enjoy the taste of buttered popcorn, you shouldn't give your dog this type of treat. Actually, one or two of these can't hurt your dog. But we know it's difficult to stick with it.

Butter is essentially a saturated fat and has no health benefits for your dog. It can cause digestive problems and regular consumption can lead to weight gain. Some dogs are even lactose intolerant and consuming dairy products can cause diarrhea or vomiting. That's why it's best to feed your dog regular popcorn and not the buttered variety.

Can dogs eat caramel popcorn?

Adding caramel to popcorn can be problematic for your dog for several reasons. Just like salt and butter, caramel's high sugar content can cause stomach problems for your dog. And when consumed regularly, the calories can lead to weight gain and obesity. They can also lead to other health problems such as diabetes and dental problems.

Caramel also usually contains butter or cream, which leads to the same problems. And even "sugar-free" caramel can pose a problem if it contains xylitol because it is toxic to dogs. That's why you shouldn't feed your dog popcorn with caramel.

Can dogs eat white cheddar popcorn?

Although white cheddar popcorn may be delicious, dogs should not be given this or any other cheesy popcorn. The "cheese" added to popcorn is actually a mixture of extra salt, oils, and dairy products that are not good for your pet. As previously mentioned, dogs do not benefit from additional salt or fat in their diet and may even be lactose intolerant. So it's best if you don't feed your four-legged friend your cheesy popcorn at all.

Can dogs eat popcorn kernels?

Giving dogs popcorn kernels to snack on is not a good idea. As mentioned, not only can they damage teeth, but they can also pose a choking hazard. Make sure you only use fully popped popcorn when feeding your dog. You should also keep a close eye on making sure your dog processes the popcorn correctly.

What should I do if my dog ​​eats popcorn kernels?

You should monitor your dog and see your veterinarian if your dog has eaten popcorn kernels. The seeds can get into your teeth and pose a choking hazard. If your dog chokes, you will need to take him to your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary clinic. Otherwise, you should take your dog to a veterinarian for an examination if there are other concerns.

Should I give my dog ​​popcorn?

Given these dangers, is it even a good thing for dogs to eat popcorn? Popcorn for dogs in small quantities is relatively safe when prepared correctly. Popcorn contains fiber, vitamins and minerals that can be good for your four-legged friend. But they don't give him anything he doesn't already get. Salted, buttery, and cheesy popcorn is not suitable to feed your dog. Neither do the popcorn kernels.

If you really want to share your popcorn with your dog, then it's okay to give him a few pieces of plain, air-popped popcorn every now and then. But don't overdo it and keep a close eye on him when he's munching. Make sure you choose only fully popped, soft, and chewable pieces so that he doesn't choke or the popcorn is harmful to his teeth.

So the answer to the question of whether dogs can eat popcorn is yes, but only if it is completely popped and not chewed.

Popcorn grain

How to Make Popcorn for Dogs

First of all, you should not give your dog packaged popcorn, including microwave popcorn. These may contain oils, additives or chemicals that are unhealthy for your dog. And the bags the popcorn comes in can even pose a choking hazard for your dog!

Make plain, unsalted, unflavored popcorn for your dog. This is healthy for both you and your pet! And the best way to make popcorn is to pop it in the open air rather than on the stove. Remember that you should not use any oil or spices to make the popcorn.


Popcorn is one of the foods dogs are generally allowed to eat, but there are things to watch out for. If popcorn is completely popped without butter, salt or other additives, it is safe for dogs. However, the popcorn we typically eat often contains salt, butter, or other sweet or savory flavors, which can be problematic for dogs. The fat content of butter and the calories in it can cause intestinal upset and obesity. Hard popcorn kernels can damage your dog's teeth. However, plain, unsalted, air-popped popcorn in moderation can in some ways be considered a positive addition to the dog's diet, as it contains fiber and some beneficial vitamins and minerals. Ultimately, however, dogs should already get everything they need from their complete food, so popcorn is not absolutely necessary.

Further links and information

There are some reputable sites where you can find out whether dogs can eat popcorn. Some recommended sites include the website of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA - ), the website of the American Kennel Club (AKC - / ) and the PetMD website ( . When researching on the Internet or other sources, it is important to pay attention to reputable sources and compare them carefully in order to make an informed decision. However, the best and safest way to find out whether your dog can eat popcorn or not is still to go to the vet and consult in person.