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Can dogs eat mushrooms? You should pay attention to this!

Can dogs eat mushrooms? You should pay attention to this!
food, mushroom, dog

We all know that it is better not to collect and eat wild mushrooms because many mushrooms can be poisonous. But are these wild mushrooms also poisonous to dogs? And what about the mushrooms we buy in stores? Can dogs eat the same mushrooms as us? Learn more about how safe it is for dogs to eat mushrooms and the risks associated with wild mushrooms.

Are mushrooms good for dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat store-bought mushrooms. The edible types of mushrooms that can be found in our supermarkets, such as portobello or button mushrooms, are safe for dogs to eat. If you feel like it, you can also offer your four-legged friend a piece of raw mushroom as a healthy treat for them to try. But that doesn't mean your dog will like the taste or be excited about the "treat"! Not many dogs like mushrooms as much as they like other vegetable snacks, such as: E.g. carrots.

Which types of mushrooms are suitable for dogs?

Food, Boiled Mushroom

Raw mushrooms are a better snack choice for your four-legged friend. Because when we cook mushrooms, we often fry them or add additional ingredients like garlic and butter. The extra oil and fat in fried food is just as unhealthy for our pets as it is for us and has been linked to problems like acute pancreatitis.

Also, we usually add a lot of spices or other ingredients like salt, pepper and garlic when cooking mushrooms. Your dog shouldn't eat many of these everyday ingredients, especially garlic and chives. Garlic, chives and other plants in the onion family are poisonous to dogs. Additionally, salt in large amounts can cause stomach upset and dehydration in some dogs.

As with many other vegetables, intensive cooking reduces the nutritional value of mushrooms. This means that raw mushrooms are a more nutritious option if you want to feed your dogs mushrooms at all. Raw, untreated mushrooms are safe for dogs and can be a healthy addition to their meals or as a snack.

Types of fungi that are safe for dogs

These include, for example, oyster mushrooms and chanterelles. These types of mushrooms do not contain any substances that are toxic to dogs and are therefore a safe choice for dog owners who want to offer their four-legged friends variety in their food bowls.

Types of mushrooms that can be fed to dogs in moderation

There are certain types of mushrooms that can be fed to dogs in moderation. These include, for example, mushrooms or shiitake mushrooms. These types of mushrooms are not toxic to dogs and can be fed in small quantities. However, feeding mushrooms should always be done with caution and consideration, as every dog ​​reacts individually to food. It is recommended to feed small amounts at first and pay attention to whether the dog shows any unusual symptoms.

Are mushrooms healthy for dogs?

food, mushroom

Raw, edible mushrooms from the supermarket can provide health benefits for your dog.

Mushrooms are low in calories, fat and cholesterol free and have a low salt content. This is good news for dogs because it makes them a healthy snack option. Mushrooms are also rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and strengthen the dog's immune system. Mushrooms can also help maintain healthy blood sugar levels because they contain beta-glucan. Mushrooms contain antioxidants and beta-glucan, which are good for keeping your heart and blood healthy, as well as the mix of B vitamins, copper and riboflavin, all found in the vegetable.

The mineral blend in mushrooms is great for lowering cholesterol and can help maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels. They also help keep the heart healthy and prevent heart disease.

Are there any risks to feeding my dog ​​mushrooms?

food, mushroom

Although dogs can eat mushrooms, they are not always the perfect choice for a snack as they can cause gastrointestinal distress in some dogs. But this is not widespread. Assume that your dog has not previously shown any sensitivity to fungi. In this case, you can probably offer him diced mushrooms occasionally as a supplement to his usual food.

Limitation of mushroom feeding

As mentioned above, you should avoid feeding your dog cooked mushrooms as they are often prepared with various additional ingredients, spices, and sauces. Some of these ingredients can upset your dog's stomach or even be toxic, so it's best to avoid them.

Poisonous mushroom species for dogs

There are many types of mushrooms that can be toxic and even life-threatening to dogs. These include, for example, the green death cap mushroom, the fly agaric or the panther mushroom. These mushrooms contain toxic substances that can damage the dog's nervous system and lead to serious health problems. Even though dogs usually don't specifically look for mushrooms, they can still accidentally track them down and eat them. The biggest risk is eating wild mushrooms.

Can dogs eat wild mushrooms?

We humans are always warned not to pick or eat wild mushrooms unless we have specialized knowledge and training to recognize whether they are safe. It's no different with our dogs. There are dozens of species of mushrooms that grow wild, and while some are edible, many of them can cause illness or even death in both humans and dogs.

Identifying wild mushrooms is difficult, and it becomes even more complicated when your dog has eaten everything and left no trace for you to examine. This ignorance is like playing Russian roulette because there is a possibility that the mushroom is poisonous and inedible. Therefore, you should always assume that a wild mushroom is dangerous and never let your dog eat mushrooms that grow outside.

Even if you are an experienced mushroom picker, not all wild mushroom species that are suitable for human consumption are safe for dogs.

What happens if my dog ​​eats a wild mushroom?

Although mushrooms are not typically on a dog's diet and most species smell and taste harmful to dogs, that doesn't always stop a pup from taking a bite.

If your dog has eaten a wild mushroom, you should try to get it out of his mouth as quickly as possible. However, assume that your dog has already swallowed the mushroom. In this case, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible and take the situation very seriously. Even if your dog doesn't show any symptoms at first, you should talk to your vet and take your dog to the practice.

In the event of possible poisoning, the vet needs to know what, how much and when he has eaten. Your dog may show signs of poisoning within 15 minutes, but it may take up to 12 hours for symptoms to appear.

Try collecting a sample of the fungus your dog ate or photograph it so the vet can determine what your dog ate. If your dog is sick and some of the mushrooms are in his vomit, try taking the pieces with you so they can be analyzed.

If your dog hasn't been sick, your vet can advise you on how to safely induce vomiting. Otherwise, you may be advised to take your dog to the practice. There, medications are given to induce vomiting or other treatments to remove traces of the fungus from the intestines. If this is not possible, your veterinarian can feed your dog activated charcoal. Activated carbon is used to absorb and neutralize toxins to minimize the harmful effects of the fungus eaten.

Keep a close eye on your dog to monitor for possible symptoms of illness or poisoning.

Symptoms of Mushroom Poisoning in Dogs

The signs of mushroom poisoning in dogs are very similar to those of other poisoning symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen
  • Loss of coordination
  • lethargy
  • Tremors and muscle spasms
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty getting around

Mushroom poisoning is serious and can cause serious illness or even death. That's why it's best to stop your dog from eating wild mushrooms.

Avoiding poisonous mushroom species

To prevent your four-legged friend from eating potentially dangerous wild mushrooms, you should check and clean your garden regularly. This will ensure that no mushrooms grow that could tempt your dog. When you go for a walk with your dog, you should not leave him unattended because he might go out and eat something he shouldn't eat, such as: B. a mushroom or a chestnut. If you see your dog eating something, give him the command to drop it or take it out of his mouth.

Conclusion: Can dogs eat mushrooms?

Yes, dogs can eat edible mushrooms that you buy at the grocery store. But never let your dog eat mushrooms that grow outdoors because they could be poisonous.

Further information on feeding mushrooms for dogs

If you are still unsure whether or not you should feed your dog mushrooms, you should always consult a veterinarian for advice. Many veterinarians also offer specialized dog nutrition advice that can help you choose the right food options for your dog. Additionally, there are many online resources that can provide you with useful information about feeding dogs mushrooms. For example, the German Society for Mycology eV offers a detailed list of mushroom species that dogs can eat as well as an extensive list of poisonous mushroom species on its website ( https://www.dgfm-ev.de/) . However, it is always important to check information from different sources and not rely on just one source to ensure you are providing your dog with a healthy and balanced diet.