Dürfen Hunde Marshmallows essen? Was ihr wissen müsst! - paawy

Can dogs eat marshmallows? What you need to know!

Can dogs eat marshmallows? What you need to know!

For many people, marshmallows are a sweet temptation that people like to snack on. But what does it actually look like for our beloved four-legged friends? Can dogs eat marshmallows or can they even get health problems with them? This question concerns many dog ​​owners, especially if they like to spoil their pets with treats.

The short answer: No, dogs shouldn't eat marshmallows. While it's usually not a problem if your dog secretly eats a marshmallow or two, it can lead to serious health problems if your dog eats too much of the sugary pastry. This means that the answer to the question “Can dogs eat marshmallows?” is often “no”. Please consult your veterinarian before giving your dog any new food to ensure it is an appropriate snack for your pet. If you notice that your four-legged friend is having an adverse reaction to marshmallows containing xylitol, contact animal emergency services immediately.

Even if your regular marshmallows don't contain xylitol, they're still not a healthy snack for your four-legged friend. The ingredients they are made of have little nutritional value for dogs or humans. Dogs' digestive systems are particularly unsuited to marshmallows, so just a few can cause gastrointestinal problems for your four-legged friend. Worse still, more and more marshmallows are sweetened with artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.

What are marshmallows?

Marshmallows are soft, sugary cube-shaped candies made from sugar, gelatin, egg whites and flavorings. They are usually white, but there are also colored and flavored variants. Marshmallows are often used in desserts such as smores, but also to decorate cakes and pastries or as an ingredient in ice cream and other desserts.

Why are marshmallows bad for dogs?


There are no health benefits to feeding marshmallows to dogs. Most marshmallows are made from sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin - all ingredients that are bad for humans and even worse for dogs.

Although dogs can get nutrients from vegetables and grains, they are primarily carnivores. This means that most of the nutrients they need to stay active and happy come from animal products. Sweeteners - including sugar - add unnecessary calories to your dog and can cause tooth decay. They may also not be able to fully digest all of the ingredients in marshmallows.

High sugar content in marshmallows: Marshmallows contain a significant amount of sugar, which can cause health problems not only in dogs but also in humans. High sugar consumption can lead to obesity, tooth decay and diabetes. In dogs, excessive sugar consumption can also lead to digestive problems and abdominal pain.

Difficulty digesting marshmallows: Marshmallows are very difficult to digest because they consist of many chemical additives such as stabilizers, colors and flavors. Dogs cannot digest these chemicals as easily as humans and therefore may suffer from abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea.

Marshmallow Choking Danger: Marshmallows have a rubbery consistency that can be difficult for dogs to chew and swallow. There is a risk that a dog could choke or suffer a blockage in the digestive tract if they swallow marshmallows.

Additional Ingredients in Marshmallows: Marshmallows often contain additional ingredients such as xylitol, which can be toxic to dogs, and gelatin, which is made from animal products and can potentially cause allergic reactions. Dyes and preservatives can also be harmful to dogs.

Health effects of marshmallows on dogs

Not only are marshmallows high in sugar, but they also contain some unhealthy ingredients that can cause health problems in dogs. Here are some health effects of marshmallows on dogs:

Weight gain

Marshmallows contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories. When dogs eat marshmallows regularly, they can gain weight and become obese, which can lead to health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and joint problems.


Dogs who regularly eat marshmallows are at a higher risk of developing diabetes because their bodies cannot process the sugar effectively.

Dental problems

The sticky and sugary content of marshmallows can lead to dental problems in dogs, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Digestive problems

Marshmallows are difficult to digest and can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea and vomiting in dogs.

Allergic reaction

Some dogs may be allergic to certain ingredients in marshmallows, which can cause skin irritation, itching, and even breathing problems.

Toxic ingredients in some marshmallows

Some marshmallows may contain xylitol, a sweetener-like substance that can be toxic in dogs, causing symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy and even liver failure.

It's important to note that marshmallows are bad for dogs not only because of their sugar and fat content, but also because of these health effects. It's best to keep them away from dog food and opt for healthier treats instead.

Can puppies eat marshmallows?

puppy, dog

Feeding marshmallows to your pup is a whole different topic. First of all, many veterinarians recommend not giving treats to four-legged friends when preparing food. If you feed your puppy small scraps of human food, which includes marshmallows, your dog may end up begging for a lifetime. Or he even steals food from your plate.

Another point is calorie intake. A puppy has a much lower daily calorie requirement than an adult dog. Puppies need a very carefully formulated diet to grow into healthy adult dogs. Their complete dog food gives them everything their bodies need. So don't give your puppy marshmallows. It's a good idea not to give your puppy sugary treats until he's older, if ever.

Can dogs eat sugar free marshmallows?

It is possible to purchase or make your own dog-safe marshmallows. This means they are natural, free of artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors and free of sugar. Look for marshmallows that don't contain added sugar. Alternatively, you can make your own with natural sweeteners such as honey. However, keep in mind that products marketed as "sugar-free" often contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which are dangerous to dogs.

Can dogs eat homemade marshmallows?

The safest way to ensure your dog doesn't ingest any harmful ingredients is to make marshmallows at home. A simple recipe of natural gelatin, water and a little sugar is common. But there are much better and healthier treats for our carnivorous canine friends that won't put them at risk of tooth decay.

What happens when dogs eat marshmallows?

If your four-legged friend manages to eat a few marshmallows that have fallen on the floor and do not contain xylitol, your pet should be fine. Let's say your dog managed to eat an entire bag and he reacts badly to marshmallows. In this case, he is likely to experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea. In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, if your dog has swallowed marshmallows containing xylitol, he may also stumble, have distressing seizures, and even fall into a coma.

Can dogs eat marshmallows without getting sick? Yes, a few marshmallows probably won't have any real negative effects on your dog, but the possibility is always there, and it's not a risk worth taking.

What should I do if my dog ​​ate marshmallows?

If you know your dog has eaten marshmallows containing xylitol, even just one, contact your veterinarian immediately. Depending on how many marshmallows your dog has eaten and how long it has been since he swallowed them, your vet may ask you to make your dog vomit.

If your dog has eaten sugar marshmallows, you should still check with your vet about your dog's health. If your dog ate a small marshmallow that fell on the floor while baking, he should be fine. But you should call your vet if he's eaten more than that. Make sure you keep all human treats, especially sugary ones like marshmallows, high and away from your dog. If you tend to drop food, avoid marshmallows and any other foods with xylitol when your dog is around.

How to stop your dog from eating marshmallows

It's unlikely that you'll share a cup of warm cocoa and marshmallows with your four-legged friend. Therefore, your dog is more likely to self-indulge in this sugary food and become ill if it is left lying around the house.

Be careful not to leave bags of marshmallows or jars of whipped marshmallows unattended on the counter where dogs can grab them. It is also better to store them on high shelves or in chew-proof containers. If you have children who love these candies, make it clear to them not to let them near their pets.

Alternatives to marshmallows for dogs

There are many safe alternatives to marshmallows for your dog to nibble on. If your dog has a sweet tooth, you can replace the marshmallows with fruit, vegetables, or peanut butter. Here are some specific alternatives.


Carrots are a low-calorie and healthy snack for dogs. They contain lots of vitamins and fiber and are good for your teeth and digestive system.

Apple pieces

Apples are also a good choice for dogs because they contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants. However, be sure to remove the seeds and stem as they may contain toxic substances.


Blueberries are another healthy option for dogs as they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. They are also easy to digest and can be given as a treat or snack.

Chicken breast

Boiled or dried chicken breast is a high-protein and tasty option for dogs. You can cut it into small pieces and give it as a treat or mix it with their food.

Rice cakes

Rice cakes are a crunchy and delicious alternative to marshmallows. They are easy to digest and do not contain any harmful ingredients. However, make sure to choose versions without salt or spices.

There are many healthy alternatives to marshmallows that dogs enjoy eating. However, if you have questions about your dog's diet, it's best to consult a veterinarian or a certified pet nutritionist.


Can dogs eat marshmallows? In summary, we can say that marshmallows are bad for dogs due to their high sugar content and the difficulty of digesting them. In addition, there is a risk of choking, which can lead to breathing problems and other serious consequences. Therefore, it is best not to give your dog marshmallows. Instead, there are many healthier and safer alternatives such as fresh fruits, vegetables or special dog treats made specifically for dogs. It is important to always educate yourself about the effects of human foods on dogs before giving them to your furry friend.