Mangos für Hunde: Dürfen Hunde Mangos essen?

Can dogs eat mangoes? Everything you need to know

Can dogs eat mangoes? Everything you need to know

The question “Can dogs eat mangoes?” Many dog ​​owners are concerned because, like people, many dogs also love fruit. But is mango safe for dogs? The short answer is: yes, dogs can eat mangoes. They are an excellent source of vitamins, but you need to be careful about which parts of the fruit you serve and in what quantities.

Are mangoes good for dogs?

Yes, your dog can eat mango. But we admit there are some caveats. Ideally, you feed your dog a high-quality food that covers all of his nutritional needs right from the start. However, mangoes contain lots of fiber and vitamins such as A, C, E and B6, making them a nutritious alternative to traditional dog biscuits. Anything higher in fiber is a good snack choice because it will make your dog feel more full, which can help maintain his weight.

Since mangoes are one of the sweeter fruits, the animals particularly like them, which makes them an easy snack for in between meals.

Below is an overview of the health benefits your dog can get from the vitamins in mango

Fruit, mangoes, slices

Beta carotene

This carotenoid provides the orange pigment that makes this tropical fruit so colorful. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A and contributes to eye health and healthy skin. Overall, beta-carotene is important for regulating a healthy immune system. Research has shown that it can even support the immune system of older dogs.

vitamin C

Mango contains vitamin C, which is not essential for dogs as they can produce it themselves. However, vitamin C can be depleted after stressful events such as a visit to the vet or an intense workout.
Including this powerful vitamin and antioxidant in your dog's diet can boost his immune system. A piece of mango is an easy way to increase your dog's vitamin C levels, especially during times of stress or heavy exercise. It can also help boost your dog's immune system when he's sick.

Vitamin B6

This water-soluble vitamin is required for various body functions, such as: B. for protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin B6 is also important for keeping your four-legged friend's skin, fur and nails healthy.


The fiber found in mango can support your dog's digestive system as it contains a mix of insoluble and soluble fiber, both of which are beneficial for healthy digestion.


Potassium is an electrolyte and an important mineral for dogs. It contributes to the healthy functioning of your dog's heart, muscles and nervous system. If your dog doesn't get enough potassium, he may appear tired or suffer from frequent muscle injuries.


Like potassium, calcium also contributes to heart, muscle and nervous system health. This mineral also contributes to healthy bones and teeth in dogs, just as it does in humans.


Like the other minerals listed here, magnesium plays a role in the function of your dog's heart, muscles, and nervous system. This nutrient helps support your dog's immune system, regulate blood sugar, and keep bones strong.

Can my dog ​​eat the whole mango?

You should do a little prep work instead of simply giving your dog a whole fruit. The biggest health risk when feeding mangoes is incorrect portioning. Because ripe mangoes tend to be relatively soft, people may misjudge how large a piece their pets can consume. This can ultimately lead to suffocation. Make sure you chop up your mango enough so that your dog can also enjoy the sweet treat.

Another problem is the core of the mango and there is an obvious reason for this. You should remove the seed because it poses the greatest choking hazard. Technically, mango seeds are edible. But they are so tough that dogs may try to swallow pieces that are too large without chewing properly, which can lead to constipation. If your dog swallows a piece of the mango seed, there's a good chance he'll get it out the other end without getting into trouble. But keep an eye on your dog for a few days and see if his appetite or potty behavior changes. Take him to the vet immediately if anything seems unusual.

In addition to the seed, the peel of the mango can also pose a choking hazard, especially if the mango is not yet ripe. The shell can be so tough and slippery that it slips down a dog's throat before he has chewed it properly.
Talk to your veterinarian first when giving your pet a new food. Your dog's vet can recommend how many mangoes your dog can eat and how often you can feed them to him.

Can dogs eat dried mangoes?

Fruit, dried mangoes, slices

Dried mangoes contain a lot of sugar, calories and carbohydrates. Drying also causes the fruit to lose some health benefits. Even if a small amount of dried mangoes doesn't hurt, you should stick to the fresh version. Too much dried mango can cause stomach upset and tooth decay, which later leads to expensive dog teeth cleaning costs.

Are mangoes bad for dogs?

Although the fruit offers many health benefits, mangoes can be bad for dogs in certain circumstances. Pay close attention to the following conditions:
  • Mangoes are bad for dogs suffering from diseases such as pancreatitis or diabetes because they need a special diet to stay healthy. If your pet has an underlying medical condition, be sure to speak to your veterinarian before adding new foods to the diet.
  • Mango peel is bad for dogs because it contains urushiol 2, a component also found in poison ivy and poison oak that can cause a rash if it comes into contact with your pet's skin. The peel of the mango can also be difficult to chew and digest, which can lead to stomach upset, vomiting, or blockages in the intestines.
  • The pit of a mango is terrible for dogs because it poses a major choking hazard. Suppose your four-legged friend manages to swallow a mango pit. In this case, it could get stuck in the stomach and cause serious, life-threatening problems due to an intestinal obstruction.

What to do in case of constipation?

If you suspect your dog has swallowed a mango seed, look for clinical signs of constipation, such as: B:
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Decreased appetite
  • lethargy
  • Difficulty breathing
  • constipation
  • Bloated stomach

Some of these symptoms can be fatal if left untreated. That's why it's best to act immediately and see a veterinarian. If you are unsure whether your dog has eaten a mango seed, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. He may recommend diagnostic tests, such as X-rays and a physical exam.
If your dog eats mango peels, you don't have to worry right away. Just keep an eye on him, and if you notice any signs of constipation or vomiting or diarrhea, contact your vet.

How many mangoes can dogs eat?

A quarter cup of fresh mangoes once a week (or twice a week for large dogs) is an appropriate serving to prevent diabetes and obesity. Mangoes are high in sugar and have more calories than other dog-safe fruits, such as: B. Watermelon, so they should be given in moderation.

One cup of mango contains 99 calories and 22.5g of sugar. While fructose is fine in moderation, too much of it can lead to health problems.

If dogs eat mangoes in too large quantities, they may develop an upset stomach due to the fruit's high fiber content. Fiber is fine for dogs in moderation, but too much can cause diarrhea. As a rule of thumb, treats should only make up 10% of your dog's daily calorie intake.

Some dogs are allergic to mango, so you should always feed them small amounts first to make sure there are no allergic side effects. Ultimately, your veterinarian is the best source for determining how many mangoes to feed your dog based on his weight, size, and medical history.

How to feed mango to dogs

Pet, group of dogs
Here are some tips on how to serve this tropical treat so your four-legged friend can enjoy all the benefits of mango:
  • Wash the mango thoroughly
  • Peel the skin away from the pulp
  • Remove the large, central core.
  • Cut the fruit into slices that are appropriate for your dog's size (for smaller dogs, bite-sized pieces are better to avoid the risk of choking; larger dogs can eat the mango cut into larger slices as the flesh is very soft and easy to swallow ).

You can also puree the mango and stir it into cottage cheese to soothe your dog's upset stomach. You can also freeze them with water in an ice cube tray and serve as a refreshing summer treat.

Note: Never feed spoiled mangoes to your dog. Rotten fruits produce ethanol (alcohol), which is toxic to dogs. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in dogs include vomiting, tremors, and seizures, which require immediate attention from a veterinarian.

Conclusion: Can dogs eat mangoes?

The answer is yes, dogs can eat mangoes. Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamins and a nutritious alternative to traditional dog biscuits. The fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, calcium and magnesium contained in mango can have various health benefits for dogs. However, it is important to pay attention to which parts of the fruit are served and in what quantities. The biggest health risks can come from swallowing the kernel or choking due to pieces that are too large.