Dürfen Hunde Kirschen essen? Giftigkeit & Schutz - paawy

Can dogs eat cherries? Toxicity & Protection

Can dogs eat cherries? Toxicity & Protection
Food, fruit, cherries

Opinions often differ when it comes to the question of whether dogs can eat fruit. At first we naturally think that fruit is a great, healthy snack. However, some fruits are known to be toxic to dogs, such as grapes. It is therefore particularly important to know which food can be safely shared with your dog - and which is better not to. What about cherries as a fruit? Let's say one thing right away: there is no clear answer as to whether your dog can eat cherries or not, but we will give you a few points that you can keep in mind when feeding cherries.

Can dogs eat cherries?

Food, fruit, cherries, dog

The cherry comes from the plum family, which also includes plums, peaches, nectarines and apricots. Dogs can actually eat fresh cherries, but you should never feed them whole cherries. Always remove the core as it can damage your dog's teeth, cause blockages in the intestines and also contains traces of cyanide. The pulp of the cherry, on the other hand, is harmless to your four-legged friend.

Are cherries good for dogs?

Food, fruit, cherries

Dogs don't have to eat a lot of fruit like we humans do to stay healthy. Still, it can be a tasty alternative to treats and even has higher nutritional value. For example, cherries contain vitamin A, an essential vitamin that helps keep your dog in good shape; the vitamin has a positive effect on coat and nerves. Cherries are also rich in antioxidants, which keep your dog's cells healthy and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Cherries also contain fiber, which keeps your dog's bowel movements regular and ensures a healthy intestine.

To benefit from all the health benefits of cherries, your dog would have to eat a few cherries, which isn't particularly realistic. However, cherries are still a healthier option than fatty foods like cheese or highly processed dog treats (note: not all dog treats are highly processed). Why not just garnish your dog's dinner with a few cherries? They taste good and are a great treat.

Can cherries make dogs sick?

Food, fruit, cherries

However, as with other foods, your dog can become ill from excessive consumption of cherries. Stomach cramps, vomiting or diarrhea can quickly occur; a puppy with a particularly sensitive stomach can become sick after eating just a few cherries because the fruits contain natural sugar. If you just feed your dog a few fresh cherries with the stones removed, you will rarely have problems, as always it's all about the right amount.

Please avoid your dog eating cherry stones as they can poison him due to the cyanide they contain, they can also pose a choking hazard for small dogs and cause blockages in the gastrointestinal tract. If you have a cherry tree in your yard, you need to make sure your dog doesn't eat any fallen fruit. Not only because he'll probably eat too many of them, but because rotten, moldy, or overripe fruit could also be eaten. Overripe fruit can poison your dog because the fruit has turned into alcohol. If you suspect your puppy is poisoned or is showing symptoms, you should definitely take him to your veterinarian.

Can cherries kill dogs?

Sadly, yes. It's unlikely, but not impossible. This is because cherry stones contain little amygdalin, which is released when the stone is chewed or crushed. Amygdalin is then converted into toxic cyanide during digestion. All parts of the cherry plant, including the stem and leaves, also contain traces of amygdalin, or cyanide. The pulp is the only part of the cherry that does not contain amygdalin and is safe to consume.

Cyanide is toxic to dogs and people, and if you or your dog eats a lot of cherries, including the pits, stems, or leaves, it can be fatal. However, the kernels would have to be broken or chewed in order for the chemicals to be released. Additionally, the dose of cyanide in a cherry pit is tiny, and your dog must eat a large amount to reach a lethal dose. So if your dog ate just one cherry, he's probably fine (if you're unsure, ask a vet).

However, if your dog has swallowed a few whole cherries, you should ask your vet for advice. He can advise you on how to safely induce vomiting at home to remove the cherries from your dog's stomach. Otherwise, you will need to take your dog to the practice to have it examined.

If your dog has eaten whole cherries, watch for signs of cyanide poisoning. This includes:

  • shock
  • Bright red gums
  • Difficult breathing
  • Dilated pupils

Remember that the toxicity of cyanide depends on the size of your dog. The smaller your dog is, the less tolerated it is. It only takes a smaller dose of cyanide to poison a small dog. Smaller dogs who eat whole cherries also have a higher risk of gastrointestinal blockage from the pits.

Cherry pits can also block your intestines

As mentioned above, cherry stones not only contain cyanide, but they are also nearly indigestible and can get stuck in your dog's intestines. This is particularly problematic for smaller dogs; Since the seeds are large enough, they can pose a choking hazard or cause blockages in the digestive tract. Signs of a blockage in the intestines include vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. If you are concerned about a cherry stone blocking your dog's intestines, you should contact your veterinarian.

Are cherry stones dangerous for dogs?

So, based on this information, your dog would have to eat a really large amount of cherries to have a problem. Of course, lots of cherry stones, apple seeds, stone fruit, peach stones or plum stones could block your dog's intestines or pose a choking hazard. In this case, it could be very irritating to the gastrointestinal tract and can even cause foreign body constipation in small dogs.

How many cherries can dogs kill via cyanide poisoning? Your dog would have to eat a large amount (perhaps a bag or more) and chew them up, breaking the kernels open and swallowing several of them before there is any real danger.

What to do if your dog has eaten a cherry pit?

Don't panic if your dog has eaten a cherry stone or fruit with a stone in it. There is not as much poison in a small cherry stone as in huge peach or apricot stones. If your dog has eaten a lot of cherry pits, you should call your vet as soon as you notice any signs of poisoning (see above).

How many cherries can dogs eat?

The amount of cherries a dog can safely eat depends on its size and the sensitivity of its stomach. Some dogs can easily devour many cherries, but others may develop diarrhea if they eat more than a few cherries. There is no strict rule about how many cherries a dog can eat; instead, stick to the 10% rule. This means that any treats your dog eats, including cherries, should make up no more than 10% of your dog's daily calorie intake.

Just make sure to only feed your dog cherries that don't have stems or stones. To prevent illness, you should only give him a few cherries at a time. If you've never fed your dog cherries before, offer him just one or two and keep an eye on him for a few hours to make sure he tolerates them. If that works, feel free to add a few more cherries next time offer.

Alternative fruits for dogs: recommended types of fruit

There are many healthy and safe fruits that you can offer your dog as a treat. Apples (without seeds), bananas, blueberries, strawberries and watermelon (without peel and seeds) are just a few of the tasty and nutritious fruits that are suitable for dogs. These fruits provide important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support your dog's overall well-being. However, remember that fruit should be given in moderation to avoid unnecessary weight gain. If you offer fruit without the pit as a tasty alternative in moderation, you don't have to worry about any disadvantages or problems.

Summary and conclusion: Can dogs eat cherries? Recommendations for dog owners

In summary, dogs are allowed to eat cherries in very small quantities and without pits. Cherry pits contain cyanide and can pose a danger if consumed and chewed in large quantities. Even though the likelihood of cyanide poisoning is low, dog owners should still be careful and only feed pitted cherries to their dogs. Instead of feeding cherries, dog owners can choose safer and healthier fruit alternatives such as apples, bananas or berries. Overall, dogs should be given fruit in moderation to ensure a balanced diet and minimize the risk of digestive problems or weight gain.