Erdnüsse für Hunde: Dürfen Hunde Erdnüsse essen? Und falls ja, was ist dann mit Erdnussflips oder Erdnussbutter?

Can dogs eat peanuts? A look at the facts

Can dogs eat peanuts? A look at the facts

Can dogs eat peanuts or are they a snack you shouldn't share with them? Today we're exploring the question of whether peanuts are safe for dogs. We'll look at the different types of peanuts and peanut products so you can decide when it's okay to feed peanuts to your dog and when to avoid them. Dogs are carnivores, so peanuts are not a natural part of their diet. It should be meat based! But some snacks are OK in moderation. Can dogs safely eat peanuts? Let's find out!

When it comes to the well-being of our dogs, we take the issue seriously. And to ensure our pets stay happy and healthy, we need to be careful about what we feed them. Foods that are harmless to us can be harmful to our dogs. So can dogs eat peanuts and can dogs eat peanut butter? The answer is a qualified yes: dogs can consume peanuts and peanut butter in moderation.

However, it is important to know which types of peanuts and peanut butter are okay for dogs and which should be avoided.

Can dogs eat peanuts?

Some nuts are poisonous to dogs, but peanuts are not one of them. Actually, the peanut is not a nut at all! It is actually a legume. Fun fact: The peanut is also called goober, monkey nut or peanut. Although peanuts and peanut butter are generally safe for dogs, possible allergic reactions are important to consider. Peanut allergies in dogs are rare, but they can also occur in dogs that can tolerate peanuts without reacting to them. We'll go into this in more detail later.

Peanuts are fine for non-allergy sufferers, but only in moderation.

Can peanuts be bad for dogs?

Feed, peanut

We already mentioned that dogs can be allergic to peanuts. In dogs, symptoms of peanut allergy can include itching, redness, scratching, and even bald patches. If you notice these signs, you should stop feeding your dog peanuts and peanut butter and take him to the vet. If your dog is allergic to peanuts, you should make sure he doesn't have any peanuts within reach at home. During walks, be especially careful when trash is on the ground to avoid contact with anything that might contain peanuts or leftover peanut butter. Of course, if a dog is allergic to peanuts, he will also be allergic to peanut butter. But is peanut butter otherwise bad for dogs?

Can dogs eat peanut butter?

Food, peanut, peanut butter

The main ingredient in peanut butter is finely ground peanuts, which are fine for dogs as long as they are not allergic. However, many peanut butter brands add things like salt, sugar, or other sweeteners and emulsifiers (an additive that stabilizes the consistency of the peanut butter). None of these additives are ideal for your dog, and some of them can even be toxic. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs and is found in some peanut butters. We'll talk about this in more detail later. Because of the risk of xylitol, peanut butter for dogs should be consumed with caution. Read labels and stick to brands that don't contain sugar or sweeteners.

The dangers of additives in peanut butter and the fat content of peanuts for dogs

How xylitol in peanut butter can endanger your dog

Peanut butter is considered rancid for your dog if it contains additives. As already mentioned, these are usually salt, sugar or other sweeteners and emulsifiers. Sodium (salt) is important for your dog's health, but he probably gets enough of it from his regular dog food. Just like in humans, too much sodium in dogs can lead to high blood pressure and ultimately organ damage. When choosing peanut butter for your dog, pay attention to the nutrition label and whether it is low in sodium. Since there are no health benefits, just empty calories, you should avoid peanut butter with added sugar. And it's important that you avoid artificial sweeteners.

If your dog consumes even the smallest amount of xylitol, it can lead to a fatal drop in blood sugar levels. Before you buy peanut butter for your dog, you should pay attention to this ingredient. Even if xylitol is not specifically listed on the label, terms such as "sugar alcohol" or "natural sweetener" can refer to xylitol. To avoid the potentially harmful ingredients in peanut butter, some pet owners make their own. If you don't have time for this, you can also buy unsalted natural peanut butter.

High Fat Content in Peanuts and Peanut Butter: How Much Is Healthy for Dogs?

Raw peanuts contain a number of vitamins and minerals and are also high in protein and fat. In evolutionary terms, dogs only recently descended from wolves. The majority of wolves' energy comes from fat and protein. Therefore, a small amount of extra fat in your dog's diet should not have a negative impact. But moderation is important. Too much fat over time can lead to obesity and pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas.

In the short term, too much fat in your dog's diet can cause diarrhea or vomiting. When this happens, your dog will not absorb the nutrients in the peanuts or his regular food. So dogs can eat peanuts in moderation. But not all the varieties we eat are suitable for dogs.

Health Benefits of Peanuts and Peanut Butter for Dogs

There are some health benefits to feeding your dog small amounts of peanuts or peanut butter. Peanuts contain unsaturated fats that are good for the heart. They also contain a number of vitamins and minerals, including manganese, potassium, vitamin E, biotin, folic acid and vitamins B3 and B1. However, peanuts are also high in fat, so you shouldn't feed your dog more than the recommended amount. Some veterinarians recommend feeding your dog one to two teaspoons of peanut butter daily. However, in other cases it is only recommended as an occasional treat.

It's best to ask your veterinarian because they can give you a recommendation depending on your dog's breed, size, health, etc.

The question of whether dogs can eat peanuts has already been answered, but what about other peanut products?

Which peanut products are suitable for dogs and which are not?

Crunchy peanut butter

It's best to give your dog creamy peanut butter and not crunchy. The bits in crunchy peanut butter can pose a choking hazard for some dogs, small breeds, and puppies. Peanut shells can also pose a choking hazard for your dog, so keep them away.

Salted peanuts

If you snack on salted peanuts, you may be tempted to share them with your dog. But not all peanuts are safe. Only feed your dog fresh, unsalted peanuts. Peanuts must be removed from the shell and should not contain any spices, added flavors, artificial preservatives or additives. The spices and flavors you like so much can give your dog an upset stomach.

Honey Roasted Peanuts

Dogs should not eat honey-roasted peanuts or other flavored nuts. Peanuts already contain a lot of fat. The added sugar in the honey roasted version is not the best combination for your dog. Therefore, you should keep salty and honey-roasted peanuts to yourself.

We've talked about whether dogs can eat peanuts and whether peanut butter is good for dogs, but should you feed your dog peanuts?

Peanuts with shell

Although peanuts themselves are safe for dogs, the shell poses a potential risk. If dogs eat the shell along with the peanut, it can cause digestive problems because the shell is difficult to digest and can block the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, shell residue in the dog's intestines can cause injuries. For this reason, veterinarians recommend always feeding peanuts without the shell and making sure that dogs do not ingest any leftover shell. When feeding your dog peanuts, it's best to always remove the shell first to be on the safe side.

Should I give my dog ​​peanuts or peanut butter?

Your dog's nutritional needs can also be met without peanuts or peanut butter. However, if you want to use them as a special treat or reward or to hide a pill, the nutrients he receives are a good supplement to regular dog food. It is best to introduce a new food slowly. If your dog doesn't react badly, there's nothing wrong with giving him peanuts or peanut butter occasionally and in moderation.

Dogs can develop an allergy at any time. So always pay attention to whether your dog's behavior or toilet habits change when you change his diet. Symptoms of a peanut allergy include skin redness and itching, and your dog may develop a bald spot or chew on his legs and paws. If your dog shows these symptoms, you should have him examined by your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Now that you know your dog can tolerate peanuts, how can you feed them to him?

How to Prepare Peanuts for Dogs

Dogs can eat raw, cooked, or dry-roasted peanuts with no negative effects on their health. When buying peanuts, read the labels and avoid added sugar and salt. If you have a food processor, it's easy to make homemade peanut butter for your dog.

Add two cups of dried, roasted peanuts to the food processor and run for four to five minutes. During processing it goes through various stages. But in the end you have a wonderfully creamy peanut butter with no added salt or sugar and, above all, no xylitol. Two cups of peanuts will last you quite a while, so keep them in the fridge to keep them fresh.

Another great way to feed peanuts or peanut butter to your dog is with dog treats.

Peanut butter dog treats

Peanut butter treats are very popular with dogs and you can buy them or make them yourself. In discussing whether dogs can tolerate peanuts and whether peanut butter is good for dogs, we learned that some dogs can be allergic to them. So what treat alternatives are there for them?

Alternatives to peanuts and peanut butter for dogs

If you're looking for an alternative to peanuts or peanut butter for your dog, there are many options.

Carrots and apples make great snacks. Just make sure you cut them into large enough pieces so your dog can't swallow them. Cheese is a good option for hiding a pill and, in moderation, a tasty and nutritious treat.


Dogs are allowed to eat peanuts and peanut butter in moderation. However, dog owners should be careful about what types of peanuts and peanut butter they feed, as some can contain allergies and unwanted additives. Peanuts and peanut butter contain many nutrients such as protein and fat that can be beneficial for dogs. However, dog owners should always read the labels of peanut butter products to ensure they do not contain harmful additives such as xylitol. Overall, dog owners should pay attention to their dogs' needs and only feed them in moderation.

Further links and information

There are some reputable sites where you can find out whether dogs can eat peanuts. Some recommended sites include the website of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA - ), the website of the American Kennel Club (AKC - / ) and the PetMD website ( . When researching on the Internet or other sources, it is important to pay attention to reputable sources and compare them carefully in order to make an informed decision. However, the best and safest way to find out whether your dog can eat peanuts or not is still to go to the vet and consult in person.